Conceptualizing Happiness

'Last week' I considered the relationship between uninhibited truthfulness and reality, and I determined that the interpretation / emphasis / impact of uninhibited truthfulness would vary with each individual perspective. I also stated that empirical reality could provide some common ground for varying interpretations of uninhibited truthfulness but transcendental reality (by its nature) could not. (Think politics and religion for examples of transcendental realities lacking common ground.) I then concluded last week's post by stating that due to the unique interpretive nature of uninhibited truthfulness, it could not be the same as reality; and then I pondered the relationship between Reality and Truth.

And here we are ...

First, to clarify - uninhibited truthfulness implies an attempt to communicate one's perspective to oneself and/or to others. One's perspective does not imply Truth. Truth is an unknowable Ideal that we can only hope to catch an occasional fleeting glimpse of, and Truth will always be beyond words.

Reality though (I believe) can serve as a conduit or bridge to close the gap on Truth. Unfortunately we cannot utilize transcendental reality to assist in closing this gap because there is no common ground to settle disputes. A like-minded group may feel they know the Truth through a transcendental reality, but the mere fact that there is dispute (i.e. differing opinions of a transcendental reality that by definition is beyond words) renders the problem unsolvable and the argument unwinnable.

We are left then with empirical reality which through shared experience and/or sensory data creates some common ground. I have stated before that I believe the fact that we are here in this physical realm has some import and must connect in some way to more important other-worldly considerations. The connectors I have previously presented are inner peace and exoteric goodness. These are two very real-world concepts that also go beyond words. I'm not sure how yet, but I feel the following paragraph lifted from the previous post 'Happiness Beyond Words' will help to connect some of these dots from empirical reality to the general vicinity of Truth:

"(I believe) fluff is inevitable. (I believe) a contemplative Life dominated by fluff is inexcusable. (I believe) the empirical reality of Life (specifically my reactive actions and behaviors) can easily be dominated by fluff. (I believe) the empirical reality of Life can be enriched by being proactive. (I believe) the empirical reality of Life can be made more meaningful through serious inner contemplation."

I am going to attempt to sort the layered complexity of thoughts currently cascading through my mind:

  1. Empirically we can all relate to feelings that are difficult to describe with words. These feelings may emanate from a number of experiences including dreams, aspirations, relationships, learning, growth, adversity, other miscellaneous yearning, or they may come out of the blue.
  2. With serious contemplation one can increase the number and expand the energy of these 'feelings beyond words'.
  3. Once these 'feelings beyond words' increase in frequency, with attention and focus one can begin to recognize and associate them, building toward tangible concepts.
  4. Once tangible concepts become more recognizable they will in turn encourage, and in some cases demand, a greater depth of understanding.
  5. At times Life (or Fluff) will distract and pull one off course.
  6. At times a greater depth of understanding will enable one to share concepts with others, and despite the inevitable loss in translation, this will in turn urge others to connect the dots from empirical reality to transcendental possibility to the general vicinity of Truth.

Already, in this effort above, I see some loss in translation. Perhaps another common example of this process will assist with a more instinctive understanding. Think about a loving or caring relationship nurtured and developed over time. Initially, in a relationship, it may be difficult to express words that do justice to the feelings; though we try. As time goes on we find it becomes more meaningful (and often second nature) to express these feelings wordlessly; with a simple look, or a loving touch, or one's tone, or body language, or simply one's presence. This is communication beyond words that began empirically but ultimately leads to a greater depth of understanding, thus proving (in my mind) the transcendental nature or basis of this empirical reality.

Exoteric Goodness - The Goodness one leaves in their wake, as one passes through this empirical reality; one's legacy as interpreted by others.

Inner Peace - The calming of and satisfaction with one's energy previously distributed via feelings, thoughts, and actions; one's legacy as interpreted by oneself.

The more meaningful the feeling, thought, or concept, the more difficult it becomes to communicate/verbalize understanding to oneself or to others; yet within oneself there is an intuitive understanding that we know is there ... at our fingertips ... just beyond our grasp. I believe the two connectors presented are examples of observable (empirical) behaviors/concepts that have the potential to leave an indescribable (transcendental) impact; which in turn closes the gap on Truth because Truth is an unknowable (indescribable, transcendental) Ideal. I believe this is how we connect the dots from this world to that which is beyond; identify concepts that bridge the gap.

If we desire to seek Truth and Wisdom across all natural and artificial boundaries, empirical reality is all we have to work with. There are cultures, religions, political affiliations, and other like-minded groups that can profess or pretend to know transcendental reality and The Truth, but as a species, or even as a country, the common ground we have to meet on - the place we must start - the only place where everyone is welcome - is shared experience / agreed upon sensory data / empirical reality.

I am not discouraging anyone from seeking transcendental reality. I am simply pointing out three things:

  1. When there is disagreement on transcendental reality, both parties should conjointly retreat to common ground and find some agreement (a starting point) in empirical reality.
  2. Transcendental reality is actually transcendental possibility that began in empirical reality and has been through multiple filters including one's uninhibited truthfulness to oneself.
  3. Seeking transcendental reality is just one step (or loop) in the process of an individual closing the gap on Truth, Wisdom, and Happiness.

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