Working Toward Happiness

Last week (with tongue firmly planted in cheek) I claimed that everyone in existence, with the single exception of me, is a Zombie. So what was the point? Some may believe it was an exaggeration presented to invalidate the concept of a philosopher's zombie; and though this is true to an extent, I did not mean it as a supporting argument for physicalism. I believe it was meant more as a dismantling of the logic of the zombie argument, and an encouragement to find a more compelling argument that will help us to cross that divide from the empirical to the transcendental. I have done some work in this regard (see Recycling Happiness and Conceptualizing Happiness) presenting Exoteric Goodness, Inner Peace, and the Why-Cycle as structural components grounded in the empirical and arching outward toward the transcendental; but a gap remains - a gap requiring a thoughtful, intuitive leap. The original Zombie argument (I believe) attempts to make this leap; the exaggeration I presented last week (I believe) illustrates why it falls short.

By definition (and for purposes of this discussion), transcendental is 'beyond'. So by definition, any argument for anything transcendental is exactly that - an argument. There will always be a gap requiring a thoughtful, intuitive leap. If we do not perceive a gap, we are deceiving ourselves. So is there a creative argument of conceivability that can intuitively narrow the gap and/or boost acceleration and make the crossing more communal? (I originally asked myself if there was a 'logical' argument of conceivability but I rephrased knowing that for some 'logical conceivability' is contradictory; this number, based on last week's post, includes me.)

Many/most of us have a considered sense-of-self that is esoteric in nature and difficult to verbalize. Some attribute this to (strictly) physical origins, some believe its origins are (wholly) divine in nature, and many find that varying Life circumstances move them back and forth along this spectrum, sometimes daily. No matter its moniker (brain, mind, consciousness, self, spirit, or soul) there are aspects of this 'sense-of-me' that are beyond our ability to define or understand; (i.e. Transcendental). And depending upon our beliefs - (which moniker we use for our personal 'sense-of-me') - individual intuition and/or indoctrination likely drives one's direction of argument. So perhaps agreement to use 'transcendental' as the identifier / descriptor, instead of an emotionally charged belief such as soul, will be a first step toward shared effort and (at least) some common ground from which to argue.

As I write this sentence (on Wednesday) I have no route planned from here to the end of this post; (it could be a very short post). I would very much like to come up with a creative argument of conceivability to help us with the leap. I believe (as previously stated, but worth repeating) Exoteric Goodness, Inner Peace, and the work accomplished with the Why-Cycle will structurally narrow the gap, and I believe the Why-Cycle has the potential of acceleration (if used repeatedly and with proper intent) to assist in the take-off, but not being able to see the transcendental side of the chasm, that doesn't feel enough; perhaps though, it is a start.

I believe a key concept here can be 'the work accomplished' not only through the Why-Cycle but also in establishing a foundation of Exoteric Goodness and Inner Peace. In case you have not read previous posts covering these concepts, relevant excerpts are below:

"Based on recent week's thoughts, I believe the flow from (1) acknowledged ignorance to (2) uncertainty and doubt to (3) thoughtful, skeptical questioning of everything to (4) our continuing search for Truth and Wisdom, (I originally dubbed the Why-Flow) also has the potential to bridge that gap from empirical reality to a potential transcendental reality. Upon further examination I believe this Why-Flow is more of a Why-Cycle as the last position (our continuing search for Truth and Wisdom) brings us back to our first position (acknowledged ignorance), thus like all efficient cycles accomplishes some work and restores the system to its original position in order to accomplish more work."

"Exoteric Goodness - The Goodness one leaves in their wake, as one passes through this empirical reality; one's legacy as interpreted by others."

"Inner Peace - The calming of and satisfaction with one's energy previously distributed via feelings, thoughts, and actions; one's legacy as interpreted by oneself."

By definition work is / should be difficult. By definition the Why-Cycle is work, and I believe it contributes to Exoteric Goodness and Inner Peace in a positive, constructive manner. I believe any work, no matter the task or responsibility, impacts Exoteric Goodness and Inner Peace; whether it is a positive impact or a negative impact is up to individual interpretation. Many minimum wage employees set an outstanding example and enjoy a strong sense of accomplishment in their labor. A drug dealer on the other hand, sets a sketchy example at best, and though they may feel a sense of accomplishment, do they enjoy it?

Circling back, my original intent in this post was to find a compelling, intuitive, creative argument for a communal understanding of Transcendental. To this end, consider the following human traits / characteristics: (1) Sociopathic; (2) Wealthy; (3) Apathetic; (4) Narcissistic. Now imagine an individual that is at the upper extreme in all four of these aspects. Some might argue that various combinations of these traits are not compatible, but it is not only conceivable to conjure up this abomination, it is also unnerving. At this point some may say that I have simply qualified the philosopher's zombie, and perhaps this is so, but with one important difference and one important result: the difference is that this individual has actual identifiable human traits consistent with one's Life experience and potential personal 'sense-of-me' as opposed to zombie traits that are unfamiliar, and the result is that this individual has no reason or compulsion to work. And now some may argue that I have not taken away his or her personal 'sense-of-me' and I have not disconnected this individual from their soul / brain / consciousness / self, and I would respond that you are correct; I have not taken away or disconnected anything; but this individual has. He or she has disconnected from everyone and everything, including him or her self.

Whether we speak in terms of the (broader) Transcendental, or to more specific beliefs and preferences, I believe many/most of us would agree this person (as described above) will never narrow the gap by sowing Exoteric Goodness, reaping Inner Peace, or working on the Why-Cycle, and will therefore never create potential to cross the divide; they have indeed lost their way / mind / self / soul. I offer more depth and insight in three consecutive posts from this past Summer, (Zero Happiness Part 1, Zero Happiness Part 2, and Universal Happiness), including the following:

"Imagine a heavy spring placed upright on a table, with its top circumference about the size of the palm of your hand. Now imagine pushing down on this spring to hold it at its maximum tension. To suppress Evil is much like suppressing this spring; the tension and potential energy of this mechanism pushing back against your palm, occasionally forces one to let up (at least) a little, thus releasing (at least) a little Evil. The balance resides in the unreleased potential (crouched and ready to spring), thus allowing for the illusionary reality of Goodness and Strength having overcome Evil and Weakness. We have not eliminated, destroyed, or otherwise won a war against Evil; we are simply holding it at bay."

Holding the Dark at bay is hard work; it is also conceivable and (I believe, as an individual) possible. If one were to assume Exoteric Goodness without work that would be delusional ego. For one to feel Inner Peace without work, one would be obliviously ignorant. I believe 'work' to be a propellant that will assist in powering us across the divide from empirical to transcendental, and I believe our conceivable, non-working, Sociopathic, Wealthy, Apathetic Narcissist to be the embodiment of empirical sans transcendental, and to be the intuitive encouragement to create a communal transcendental possibility.

This argument also falls short. There will always be a gap. In this world we need to work as hard as humanly possible to narrow this gap, and we need to work as hard as humanly possible to suppress the Dark that appears and is propagated by many methods including the familiar human traits and characteristics discussed above. This hard work, as encouraged by the mutant atrocity of non-work, (I strongly believe) has the intuitive potential to carry us across the divide, and this hard work, against the backdrop of varying degrees of non-work, is an argument for that Transcendental potential.

I will continue to work hard ...

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