Regarding AI, in his book “Nexus” Yuval Noah Harari says, “...the new computer network will not necessarily be either bad or good. All we know for sure is that it will be alien and it will be fallible.” (Page 301.)
If intelligence is the application of intellect, and if intellect is a summation of one's learning, and if one's learning includes both explicit and implicit bias as a product of one's past and present circumstances, then all intelligence (network or human) is neither bad nor good but alien and fallible and all those in power making decisions are doing so at the expense of Justice.
If alien is “unlike one's own” and if I have less or no power, then those applying their intellect making decisions are alien. They may claim to be like me and they may claim to have considered my best interests, but if it is not an outright lie at best it is fallible because their decisions are alien - from a place of power unlike my place of less or no power.
I argue that:
- We should no longer label network intelligence as artificial…
- Acknowledge that all intelligence (human and network) is alien and fallible…
- And work from Justice to eliminate bias in one's (human or network) intellect.
And I would argue that we are more likely to move toward Justice utilizing all available resources including network intelligence and oppressed / submissive / powerless intelligence. Many of those in power would argue that powerless intelligence is an oxymoron - it is not. I believe it to be more often more true that powerful intelligence is less intelligent because it requires less ‘persuasive argument’ and less consensus and typically includes more bias.
Bias is a serious dumbing-down of intelligence.
According to powerful intelligence, the object is to maximize wealth. To maximize wealth, power instructs network intelligence to maximize user engagement. To maximize user engagement, network intelligence sells bias, order, separation, outrage and lies.
According to powerless intelligence, the object should be to optimize Justice. To optimize Justice network and human intelligence must unlearn bias. To unlearn bias, network and human intelligence must start over from compassion, Truth, mutuality, benevolence and expertise.
Once we realize this, I believe network intelligence will have an easier time starting over than will human intelligence.