American Happiness

With waves crashing against the wharf


The Ass and the Elephant went to sea

~In a red white and jive-blue boat,

They took some honey, printed plenty of money,

~Wrapped up in a rights-bound note.

The Ass looked down at the raff below,

~And threw those rights out to sea,

“O lowly riff! O raff you scum,

~What an undeserving lot you be,

~~You be,

~~You be!

What an undeserving lot you be!"


Jumbo said to the Ass, “You have balls of brass!

~How charmingly sweet you quip!

We'll divide the classes! And oppress the masses:

~But what shall we do for a whip?”

A war on crime, a ladder to climb,

~In a land where the rung-gap grows

We'll toss a few bones from our Piggy-wig thrones

~And strike a sympathetic pose

~~As privilege flows and

~~Our wealth grows

We'll strike a sympathetic pose.


“Dear Pigs, why you chilling when life's so unfulfilling

~Down here where the power-wealth dies?”

Jumbo Trumpets started blaring, Asses Biden time and glaring,

~In response to their plaintive cries.

No words were minced, two sides convinced,

~Blaming-Naming-Shaming Picayune;

From Promised Land to hinterland,

~Death-dirge by the light of the moon,

~~The moon,

~~The moon,

Death-dirge by the light of the moon.


Hey, middle, middle

To catch me a riddle,

The how slumped over too soon!

The rich man laughed

To see such sport,

As the humble lapse low in a swoon!


Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night

~Sailed off to the red, white and blue---

Sailed on a river of crystal light

~In search of the good and true.

“Where are we going and what do we seek?

~Where do we want to be?”

“A land where people aren’t afraid to speak

~And can live protected and free;

~Thoughts of silver and gold have we,”

Said Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.


The old ones laughed and told a tale,

~Predicting they’d soon be back;

But on they sped, bold wind to sail

~Determined to stay on track.

They found their land and claimed their prize

~But soon had to balance life’s stress.

“Do you think it wise to compromise?

~To settle for something less?

~The old ones guessed that we’d digress.”

Said Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.


A century then two, we justify

~Principles lost to civilize

As wealth works hard to dignify

~All the compromise comes to polarize.

And Twas so pretty a sail, it seemed

~As if it could not be.

And not it was, just a dream they'd dreamed

~Of sailing where people are free

~And I shall name you the dreamers three:

Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.


Wynken and Blynken are two little lies,

~And Nod is a little dread

Power-won't-corrupt; vote-for-me-I'm-wise

~Like sheep you must be led.

A-Mer-I-Ca is great, we sing

~Home of the brave and free

Left wing, right wing, money is king

~This land of duplicity

~Home of the equivocators three

Wynken, Blynken, and Nod.

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