More Happiness and Hurt and Hope

Per last week's post, I have made a strong effort in this past week to identify (1 or 2) specific hopes and actively contribute to their manifestation. Additionally I have made an effort to simultaneously Embrace the Hurt and Let Go of the Hurt. I believe I have made more consistent progress towards the manifestation of Hope than I have in simultaneously Letting Go of / Embracing the Hurt. Both of these efforts are long-term; but at those times when Life does not make sense - when the world around us seems confused and unfriendly - progress can become tangled and unfathomable. I am going through one of those times.

I like order. I like for things to make sense.

In regards to Hope the additional focus and effort has been most effective when I set daily goals and check on progress at the end of each day. Accountability to myself (with considerable discipline) and/or to another (willing to help) is key. Each day that I accomplish one or two identified goals that work towards realizing hope adds to the discipline and likelihood of goal-accomplishment the next day; and encourages hope.

In regards to simultaneously Embracing the Hurt and Letting Go of the Hurt my efforts in this past week have brought mixed results. I have been more successful internalizing Goodness thus mitigating the impact of the Hurt by focusing it outwards. As suggested last week though, I have (for the most part) done this when alone and/or via thoughts only. What I have found is this confluence is most likely as I am lying in bed, falling asleep. And as a result there have been a couple of nights filled with restless, disturbing dreams that in the morning leave me hurting. But during the day, consciously internalizing Goodness has left the Hurt as a noticeable but somewhat unrecognizable hot spot kept in check by the Goodness. I am still working on consciously and purposefully Letting Go externally; I'm finding this to be a much tougher task than relieving the internal Hurt.

... ... ...

Today is Friday. Much of the above was written Monday and Tuesday. It has been a good week. I have made consistent, daily progress on various fronts throughout the week and I have rediscovered the importance of melding the various elements so as not to dwell on and/or be overcome by any one rampaging aspect of Life at any given time.

Life does rampage, and (if one's paying attention) can often seem out of control. In this previous post I discussed the occasional necessity of "one foot in front of the other - repeat - again - and again..." I believe these last two week's posts, by focusing on Hope, have advanced that concept to its next stage of development and instead of accidentally or fortuitously making the intangible tangible, has helped me to take a little control over that process. Now I am paying very close attention to where I am placing my foot, and with occasional glances ahead, these purposeful steps are more productively carrying me forward one day at a time.

I like order. I like for things to make sense. And now I like purpose; (both transcendental and empirical). But for those times when sense, order, and purpose are lost and/or confused, I will say again ...

... "One foot in front of the other - repeat - again - and again ..."

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