Happiness … perhaps

One foot in front of the other - repeat - again - and again ...

In theory it should not matter if my work is appreciated, or not. The act of moving forward should (in and of itself) provide adequate satisfaction. I should not 'need' attention or kudos for working towards Happiness. In reality though, the human part of me does crave some appreciation; if for no other reason than to justify my existence and validate my progress.

Today (two days after writing the above) I received some verbal appreciation specific to the work I was referring to. Is this a coincidence, or a case of 'thoughts are things'? Or, (another possibility) - perhaps the appreciation was there all along; perhaps I just did not take notice until I needed it; perhaps when we pay attention to those things we need, they become visible; perhaps the spirit of appreciation is always there; perhaps the spirit of 'all things' is always there.

Perhaps then, instead of writing and thinking this week about appreciation, I am actually writing and thinking about making the intangible, tangible. In the last two days I have not only noticed the aforementioned verbal appreciation specific to the referenced work, but I have also noticed the kindness of a stranger, empathy from an unexpected source, and a general increase in positive communication. Perhaps it was always there, and by calling for it, I simply brought it into the light.

This is a nice thought. I should figure out a way to plant this thought so it will take root and flourish, encouraging the spirit of positive reason to recognize the 'potential' inherent in all actions that move me towards Happiness. And once recognized, (as illustrated this week), perhaps the intangible becomes tangible.

Perhaps ...

But if not?

One foot in front of the other - repeat - again - and again ...

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