Happiness and Hurt and Hope

Is it possible to 'Let Go of the Hurt' and 'Embrace the Hurt' simultaneously? Everyone hurts. Some may not acknowledge or notice the hurt, but that is not the same as Letting Go of the Hurt. Some may hurt more than others, but that is not the same as Embracing the Hurt.

To balance 'Hurt' so one can learn from it, yet not be overwhelmed by it, is difficult at best. To Embrace implies lovingly. To Let Go is also a commonly associated characteristic of love. For me this implies some control and conscious decision-making, and the necessity to care about the Hurt. If one does not nurture this relationship with Hurt, learning is limited and the door is left open for an unexpected deluge of pain.

So even when one is able to balance and compassionately acknowledge Hurt it seems that the acts (Embrace and Let Go) would be successive and not logically possible to perform simultaneously. But perhaps it is possible ...

If one could Embrace the Hurt internally by focusing on the seed-the center-the heart of the Hurt and Let Go of the Hurt by refusing conscious acknowledgment in the form of thoughts, words, emotions, or actions, one would simultaneously be Embracing and Letting Go. THIS sounds impossible; yet I believe we may do this every night in the form of dreams. Why not aspire to this therapeutic state during daytime hours as well.

Alternatively one could Embrace Goodness internally, Embrace the Hurt externally (via thoughts, words, emotions, or actions), thus simultaneously Letting Go of the Hurt internally by having filled that space with Goodness. A caveat for this alternative might be to Do No Harm to others or to relationships while Letting Go externally; (a recommended rule of thumb may be to do this through thoughts only, or when one is alone).

Granted, these alternatives to simultaneously Embrace and Let Go would take a tremendous amount of practice and discipline. But one must start somewhere; and to start with the knowledge that it is possible, may lead to a sense of hope, that must then result in action and behavior consistent with the desired learning and growth. As stated in a previous post hope without appurtenant, contributory action is debilitating and must be avoided.

And perhaps this is the ultimate point. A sub-heading at the top of each page on this site states "A Philosophy of Happiness and Hope". In the past year-and-a-half I have spent considerable effort on Happiness but comparatively-speaking I have spent very few words on Hope. So for my benefit, I will write it again: Hope must be supported by actions and behaviors consistent with the highest ideals inherent in that Hope. (And again): Hope cannot survive alone; it will either be joined (and undermined) by fear, or it will be made manifest by contributory action.

Like many things I have written, this now seems somewhat obvious. But it must also be made obvious in one's daily existence; and this is not always an easy task. This also goes back to Exoteric Goodness as exhibited through everyday thoughts and behaviors. To solidify Hope into something tangible and meaningful I believe the steps below may be a start:

  1. Define the Hope.
  2. Identify all specific actions that have the potential to create tangible results, (no matter how unlikely they may seem), by brainstorming and thinking creatively, outside the box.
  3. Choose actions to carry out.
  4. Don't give up.
Essentially, I believe we are talking about planning and goal-setting, in the sense that Hopes = Goals.

And why not? In this process we have transformed Hope into motivated action and sidestepped fear. It gives one hope for Hope.

To bring this week's thoughts full circle, I began with the question "Is it possible to 'Let Go of the Hurt' and 'Embrace the Hurt' simultaneously?" I then transitioned to Hope, which in my mind is connected to Hurt in that many (all?) of our Hopes are either directly or tangentially related to relief or release from Hurt. So perhaps the better question is - "Is it necessary, and/or more productive, to simultaneously Let Go of the Hurt and Embrace the Hurt?" I believe it to be productive and necessary to at the very least acknowledge this possibility and work towards it.

Perhaps the sub-heading above should read "A Philosophy of Happiness and Hurt and Hope".

Everyone hurts. I believe for some that Hurt may be of a magnitude seemingly impossible to overcome. I hope (through active, contributory actions) to never reach this state; though with varying degrees of effort I believe we can all empathize with that pain. I intend to never judge another's Hurt or pretend that I know anything at all about another's Hurt. It is not my place. It is their Hurt. I only hope (again through active, contributory actions) that I can help if allowed to do so. And I am sorry for those who feel they cannot bring themselves to seek out help and/or feel that they are unable to help themselves.

Everyone Hurts ...

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