Rant. Invective. Diatribe

It is time I let go…

This is rant, invective, diatribe. You don't have to listen.

The moment I make the effort to contact or connect, it is time I let go. Using tennis as an analogy, once I have lobbed the ball in play to the other side of the net, if it is not immediately, consciously, and willingly lobbed back in an effort to continue the volley, I should let go. If it is not returned at all, that tells me one thing. If it is returned as an overhand smash, that sends a different message. If it is guided to a far corner or gently dumped in the forecourt in an effort to make me chase and look foolish, that is yet another declaration. If, on the other hand, it is lobbed back, and if the volley continues for a time in this manner, then it is okay to begin testing limits, for example lobbing to the backhand side, or adding a little spin or speed. The purpose of course, to challenge and improve. And at this stage, even if one or the other of us overextends or fails to return, I believe it is okay to start again, knowing that to start again is to first establish a comfortable volley.

In early October I lobbed a manageable serve across the net. My employer has yet to return the volley. I was hoping for contact, an exchange, a connection. At least with an overhand smash or a well-placed, unreachable comeback I would have known my standing and perhaps my decision would have been easier, or come quicker. Or perhaps not. Regardless, here I have been, feet gently bouncing, stance wide, knees bent, racket at the ready, holding on to my spot in anticipation of a return volley. Standing here for nearly three-and-a-half months waiting for a response has (in addition to worthless, unwanted, humored, unnecessary, demeaned, and foolish) made me feel sad - sad for me, yes, but also sad for those who have no choice - those who feel they must hang on. My employer has not only dropped the ball, they have purposely tossed it away and lost it; and if they have done so with me, I am certain there are others.

This week I finally chose to let it go; walk off the court. I applied for social security retirement effective March 1. I turned 65 in December and I am not quite to full retirement age (66 years and 10 months), meaning I cannot unring this bell. For those who don't know, if you opt for early retirement (less than full retirement age), your employment income has limits; meaning I can no longer work full time for my present employer - not that they care. My decision is practical though as well as emotional. I can make (for me, significantly) more money working part time in retirement than I can continuing to work full time for this employer. What I am sacrificing is some security; giving up accumulated and additional paid time off as well as the potential for some disability pay if ever needed. Risky? Perhaps. But as a lifelong advocate of justice and equity, I cannot stay for long where I do not feel welcome.

For my first 14 months in this position (through this past October) I was expressive and truthful and very clear that if change did not occur I was unlikely to be here for the next academic year cycle. In fact this was the exact message I lobbed across the net to my immediate supervisor in early October and I made it no secret to multiple others in my neighborhood. An academic year cycle specific to my job responsibilities begins in January / February with winding down the current academic year and preparing for the upcoming academic year. This is followed urgently with a significant ramping up in March and April and then a constant deluge from May thru November or December, before allowing for a breath or two coming back around into February. Throughout my time with this employer, my gripes - complaints - suggestions (depending on perspective) were consistently discounted - unheard - ignored so I scaled that communication back after the unreturned volley in October. I am left to conclude that since I was expressive and truthful and clear, and since I was not heard or even acknowledged, my departure is encouraged. And whether I am (in practice) or not, it is obvious that for all intents and purposes I am seen as unnecessary and easily replaced. I really do hope for the sake of the students I help to support that I am overestimating my value and that those in charge have assessed the situation correctly. The challenge will be, since students cycle through then move on, there are not many constituents who will be able to compare the upcoming year to this most recent year, and additionally there will be the built-in reason (excuse) that there is now only one person to do the job that two have been doing, though I would argue three because I believe I have been doing the job of two, though again that might just be my ego or pride talking.

Furthermore, in my inconsequential position I am only required to give two weeks notice. Due to my sense of responsibility (that includes never calling off sick) I have accumulated significant paid time off and according to another rule they will only pay up to 80 hours of accumulated PTO upon separation. So, based on the lack of communication, caring, and acknowledgment during my time in this department, I fear losing time I have earned if I do not use it up before giving notice. I fear time off requests will be denied once I have given notice. I do feel bad and will apologize to some individuals for the short notice that is coming, but I cannot afford to take the chance of losing more than I already am. In particular the second person with whom I share a majority of responsibilities has a long-anticipated surgery scheduled for March. Her time off has already been approved. If her health is put on hold or if her recovery is rushed in some way due to my resignation, it will be easy for those in power to throw me under the bus; make me the bad guy - even though they have had every opportunity to address this and work towards resolution. As previously stated, the fact of no return volley from my supervisors indicates (at best) they don’t care and (at worst) they want me gone.

Finally I once again acknowledge the possibility that I will not be missed. Perhaps my co-worker will have her surgery as scheduled and get the time off she needs, and perhaps the students will be taken care of as well or better than ever before.

This has been rant, invective, diatribe. Thank you for listening.

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time I let go…

Hold on to, embrace, include in one's beliefs, grab, incorporate, espouse, seize, subsume, take advantage of, make use of, grasp, grip, clasp, hug, clinch, lock, cling, clutch, press, cradle, seize, encircle, squeeze, enfold, wrap, entwine, envelop, control, secure, obtain, achieve, catch, assure, cinch, buy, capture, hook, ensure, land, gain, lock, get, procure, have, come by, get hold of, take, lock up, win, make sure, pick up, acquire, rack up, annex.

Let go, free, liberate, acquit, spring, clear, unbind, discharge, unchain, dismiss, undo, extricate, unleash, pardon, untie, parole, bail out, release, cut loose, relieve, disenthrall, rescue, disimprison, save, let loose, absolve, let off, let off the hook, deliver, disengage, set free, emancipate, turn loose, enfranchise, turn out, uncage, unfetter, manumit, redeem.

Should I hold on to it? Or should I let it go?

‘It’ being…

  • Status quo.
  • Control.
  • The past as present.

If I let it go, I fear…

  • Change.
  • Chaos.
  • The future.

If I hold on to it, I slam the door on improvement.

If I let it go, I open the door to creativity.

If I hold on to it, I am living.

If I let it go, I am also learning and growing.

If I hold on to it, living is…

  • Easier.
  • More comfortable.
  • Momentarily safe and secure.

If I let it go, learning and growth is…

  • Challenging.
  • Uncomfortable.
  • Risky and uncertain.

If I hold on to it, I am practicing selfish, superficial, entrenched, cruel pretense.

If I let it go, I am practicing selfless, meaningful, progressive, compassionate Humanitarianism.

Furthermore, by definition, to hold on to something - unless it is consciously and willingly reciprocated in equal measure - implies fear and oppression, whereas to let something go implies respect and active hope.

It is time I let go…

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Holding my breath.

To believe that I am separate, better than or even just different from the living expanse (that is all of everything) is to destroy and erase myself. Said another way, to believe I am special or unique is to one day cease to exist, but to flow into and within the living expanse (with no demarcation) is to live forever.

The same could be said for us: To believe humanity is special or unique is for humanity to one day cease to exist, but for humanity to flow into and within the living expanse (with no demarcation) is to be forever.

Time is merely a series of demarcations. Power is adamant separation. Humanity is governed first by time then by power. Humanity as it is, is bound for extinction; a single entity even more so.

By choice, we will never truly be free.

To be free one must let go of time, of power, of humanity, of oneself. Yet we choose bondage because we choose to be special. So dragging our shackles we seek meaning and purpose; and it is first time, then power that in the context of humanity gives one meaning and purpose. And though time is a man-made construct, within the context of mortality time is impossible to completely ignore. And though power is always to some degree pretense, and more often than not is mostly pretense, within the context of mortality power is impossible to completely overcome.

We are afraid to be free. We are afraid of the end and we are afraid of the end after the end. So I deny the end-after because by definition it negates meaning and purpose and I diligently seek meaning and purpose to keep my existential end at arm's length - all this within the context of time, power, humanity, and me.

Said another way, the existential search for meaning and purpose is futile in the context of the end-after because we will not know meaning and purpose beyond our existential end. That said, the end-after is likely our best chance to know freedom.

Said another way, just as I let go of my breath 20,000 times per day, to be one with the living expanse I must also let go of myself. Yet I will likely not become one with the living expanse until I also let go of my final breath.

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Happy Sojourn

Twas the week before Christmas, when my wife retired

She looked at her job and said, “Job, you are fired!”

For decades she cared for ‘the man’ and his flack,

But ‘the man’ and the job did not love her back.


Though I too have wrestled with pretense and might,

These quiescent visions they give me a fright;

So mamma in her repose and I in my doubt,

Will flip-flop the flap to thus figure things out,


Do I march keeping step with nary a clatter?

Or blunder and misstep as mad as a hatter?

‘Cause that’s how I’m seen all contentious and wrong,

When I point at injustice and don’t go along.


Impugned and distressed by the bombast and blow

All the bluster designed to maintain status quo,

And, what to my wandering mind should appear,

But my miniature pay, and ‘the man’ insincere,


With a system to drive it, make everything click,

‘The man’ in his moment, conniving and slick.

More rapid than bias injustice it came,

And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;


“Now, Wage Freeze! now, Wealth Gap! Deceit and Oppression!

Entitled Malfeasance! on, Turgid Expression!

From misguided dictates! To heartless tradition!

Bureaucracy backlash and selfish ambition!”


As one grieves the inequities, mischief, and lies,

When they meet with resistance they dehumanize,

So out of the workforce the minions retreat,

Both fighting the good fight and suffering defeat.


And then, in an inkling, a notion, a spark,

A dancing and gnawing that lit up the dark.

A glimpse as it spun by, it was Beauty in youth,

It was Wisdom and Justice and finally Truth.


It was gone just as quick, in its place stood ‘the man’

He was garnished with whistles and waving his plan;

A bundle of edicts he'd flung on his back,

And he huffed and he puffed and began spewing flack.


His eyes – how they crinkled! his simple mind wary!

His cheeks were inflamed and his tone was contrary!

His droll little mouth quoting chapter and verse,

His speech clipped and brusque, and sententious and terse;


Some grumble-grump hype and a kick in the teeth,

And the smarm that encircled his head like a wreath;

He had a god-plex and those little round thoughts,

Officious and proud, like a zebra with spots.


You are grubby and mean, a right nasty old elf,

And I laugh at your antics, so full of yourself;

You are not entitled, your power's from fear,

Belief is not fact and tradition’s last year;


‘The man’ is composite, ‘the man’ is the job,

The system, the process to manage the mob,

‘The man’ knocks us down, ‘the man’ does not dance,

The man’s not a man, he's a sad circumstance;


So I'll renounce the pay and I'll ignore the whistle,

And away I will fly like the down of a thistle,

And you'll hear us exclaim as we excise this blight,

Happy sojourns to all, and to all a good-night!

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Kicked in the teeth

This week life kicked me in the teeth. Come to think of it, last week life kicked me in the teeth. And looking ahead I strongly suspect that next week life will kick me in the teeth. It is humbling to think that as a human, I may deserve it. It is even more humbling to realize that even if I don't completely deserve it, I also don't not deserve it. And even more humbling is that though I may deserve it more or less than another, I don't not deserve it any more or any less than any other. I would like to think that I am more special but I am not. Nobody is. The good news: I can pretend and even (for periods of time) convince myself that I am extraordinary and that life is not repeatedly kicking me in the teeth.

The good news is bad news. It explains why we are stuck - on our current trajectory - far from judicious - intent on destruction - bound for extinction.

The reason I don’t not deserve it is because life is random and arbitrary. And even those who pretend, and even those who are convinced otherwise, are still getting kicked in the teeth; just perhaps more often from the inside than from the outside.

To pretend is to maintain. To seek to understand and to acknowledge is to create potential to move ahead, improve, progress. This search for understanding enables one to more clearly differentiate between a random, arbitrary kick in the teeth and one brought about by a personal misstep, though a personal misstep from pretense and certainty is typically misinterpreted as random and arbitrary.

This brings us to Russian dolls. A personal misstep judged within a system or convention or circumstance that is a misstep itself, may not be a misstep within a different or greater context. Do I choose power, financial security, and comfort? Or do I choose Beauty, Truth, Wisdom, and Justice? In this country today, to choose Beauty, Truth, Wisdom, and Justice is a misstep - within a misstep - within a misstep - within a misstep…

So what do I do? Do I choose to march in step with convention? Or do I continue to flounder-careen-blunder-misstep about within a consensus context?

I suppose It depends upon circumstance.

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