Universal Happiness

There is a certain peace in believing that I am as necessary as anyone else with whom I share this empirical existence. There is a great deal more peace (and understanding and compassion) associated with the belief that ALL other self-identical beings are every bit as necessary as what my self-inflated ego tells me I am.

Think about it - if we are each but an equally tiny speck in the infinity of Life's pointillist landscape, from a distant perspective each one of us is equally indispensable and inconsiderable; indispensable in that the whole is changed by any one's absence, and inconsiderable as dictated by the immensity of that whole.

As I indicated last week, I am coming to believe the whole (as described above) includes the transcendental energy that exists beyond this empirical world as Pure Consciousness. I would like to logically explore this potential leap as it relates to and/or impacts the following:
  • Inner Peace.
  • Exoteric Goodness.
  • Free Will.
  • One's Search for Truth, Wisdom, and Happiness.

I began in the first paragraph with the peace that manifests itself from the realization of one's simultaneous relevance and irrelevance. This 'comforting' (as it empirically is) is consistent with recent thoughts on Perfect Balance which is ultimately accomplished through Pure Consciousness, which in turn is attainable only through Empirical Nonexistence. And when (last week) I mixed Pure Consciousness with one's self-identity, that enabled me to make the leap to Transcendental Existence. That is the logic (or illogic) I have presented thus far.

From there it follows that because each one of us (as a self-identical being) is equally necessary, each one of us should choose a path that maximizes Exoteric Goodness thus increasing the vibrancy and intensity as seen in the sum of the whole. Additionally, to choose an active thoughtful practice of Exoteric Goodness over slothful ignorance or pleasure-seeking selfishness represents a more disciplined approach to seeking Truth and Wisdom, exercising one's Free Will, and closing the gap on Happiness. I could claim that the disciplined energy expended toward Exoteric Goodness is a universal principle accepted instinctively by one's humanity as such, and I do, but I also claim that from an objective, empirical, measurable perspective this disciplined energy adds to one's enjoyment, learning, growth, complexity, and depth; (which are all elements on the Periodic Happiness Table of Elements presented on this site). In a circular manner this then adds to one's Inner Peace encouraging (by example) wider-spread Exoteric Goodness freely chosen by others, thus exponentially increasing the sum of the whole.

The logic in this (to me) is indisputable. However, the nature of humanity, (forever seeking balance and forever falling short), at times appears to work against this argument for Exoteric Goodness. Life as we know it requires opposing forces; Dark where there is Light; evil where there is goodness; unknown where there is known; and disorder where there is order. This too though is logical in that, in each of these sets, one cannot be defined without the other. But this then begs the question, if evil will always counterbalance goodness, what is the point? I believe the point is that the balance of opposing forces applies to the 'potential force' at each end of a spectrum, and the power of Free Will can offset (at least) some of that potential. If one chooses to recognize, acknowledge, respect, and embrace the Dark, then certain aspects of it can be held at bay, thus creating the empirical reality of more Light and again increasing the sum of the whole.

If you do follow and accept the logic / premises as presented, the question still remains, can one now bridge the divide from disciplined Exoteric Goodness (and all the components that follow) to substantiate the possibility of a Transcendental Existence? I believe we can (at least) close the gap to make the leap less daunting.

To review: Exoteric Goodness requires discipline and Free Will, and a recognition of one's simultaneous relevance and irrelevance. This in turn enhances one's Inner Peace and encourages greater effort (individually and collectively) toward holding aspects of Dark at bay and championing (by example) Exoteric Goodness.

I mentioned above that one could claim Exoteric Goodness as a universal principle - an ideology applicable to everyone - a natural law that cannot be repealed - a guideline for human conduct that has enduring, permanent value. Many (I would think most) would agree with this. I also made the case that Exoteric Goodness has practical, empirical value. This for me is the first construct in the bridge from empirical (enjoyment, learning, growth, complexity, and depth) to transcendental (an instinctive understanding of a universal principle). And I use Exoteric Goodness as the example because for me this is perhaps 'the' overriding universal principle, encompassing 'Do No Harm' and encouraging empirical unity as it does.

From here we can step out on the established instinctive, natural universality of one's own consciousness and see the connection (through that universality) first to the consciousness of another, then to the consciousness of like-minded thinkers, and ultimately to the unified consciousness of ALL.

And now that we have established this unified, universal consciousness, we can apply some proven science - (quantum entanglement as discussed last week) - to make a small leap to this universality and unity of Pure Consciousness transcending all facets of time and space. For me it is (instinctively) a small leap. The science though has not provided an ontological proof, and likely will not, therefore for some it may be a larger leap; but the dots connect.

Last week I claimed a Transcendental Existence based on our (individual and collective) striving for Balance coupled with our unique ability to self-identify. This week I have provided some empirical applications that instinctively close the gap on the possibility of some transcendental considerations. Ultimate interpretation and transcendental application will be unique to the individual.

For me it is a first step in reversing an ages-old flow - instead of spirituality dictating choices, behaviors, and goodness, I believe Exoteric Goodness enhances Inner Peace through Free Will conduct, closing the gap on Truth, Wisdom, and Happiness, and ultimately leading one to a transcendental spirituality.

After re-reading and thinking this through (for 2 days) I realize it is a somewhat pedestrian, existential substantiation showing a possibility of Transcendental Existence. Spirituality to goodness or goodness to spirituality? Essence to existence or existence to essence? It is the same old argument. I was hoping for more.

It seems all I have added is an argument that may or may not sway hardcore existentialist thinkers to consider the possiblity of a transcendental existence; or put another way, existence to essence to existence.

As I said last week - "We live in an empirical existence of chaos and complexity; we strive for an unknown transcendental existence of balance and simplicity; and while I am not certain, I believe that this transcendental existence abides."

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