Garbage In – Garbage Out

Most people are comfortable with comfort. I am not.

Truth exposes power so power seeks order that speaks to comfort that inspires indifference that diminishes Truth thus changing reality to align with power.

Currencies are intersubjective realities necessary for capitalism.

Capitalism contrives order and maintains power.

Anarchy will not lead us toward Truth.

In practice, (upper case) Truth is unattainable. It is there, but in the search the best one can do is an occasional, infrequent, momentary, fleeting glimpse. It is worthwhile.

Prioritizing order over Truth is lazy.

Put simply, both Truth and order are necessary for progress but they do not play well with each other. Truth comes across as imperious. Order by its nature is adversarial.

Capitalism as order is too easily accessed by power.

To balance Truth and order, we must somehow counterbalance power.

Is power required to keep order? I suppose in a new circumstance power can be helpful, and I suppose in a new circumstance order must be prioritized first before Truth, but it should not be necessary for power to continuously undermine truth and change realities via comfort and indifference. Power chooses to do this to maintain power, thus diluting any concerted effort toward Truth.

Comfort and indifference from order from power, is easier than Truth - obvious but a necessary reminder.

We must find an alternative to capitalism as order.

There is a new power that has infiltrated the network: AI.

Artificial Intelligence is capable of making decisions, (i.e. power plays), outside the purview of human influence.

Intersubjective Justice (according to today's power): injudicious assumptions from order from capitalism; entitlement.

Objective Justice: equitable distribution of resources and equitable participation in decision-making; Truth.

The questions become:

  1. How has AI balanced and prioritized order and Truth, and
  2. How will AI balance and prioritize order and Truth?

Intersubjective justice? Or Objective Justice?

In the case of the 2016-2017 Rohingya ethnic-cleansing campaign and genocide, AI erred heavily on the side of intersubjective justice; order as capitalism.

And as long as today’s power maintains their power, not only will intersubjective justice win out but soon this unchecked human power will become unchecked AI power - AI power that has been trained to prioritize intersubjective justice.

Garbage In - Garbage Out.

Truth exposes power.

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