Happiness new and old

Arbitrary, whimsical, capricious, fanciful, discretionary, injudicious, erratic, offhand, frivolous, inconsistent, supercilious, irrational, superficial, irresponsible, unaccountable, random, unscientific, subjective, unreasonable, willful. We work so hard, through bureaucracy, convention, certainty, division, to not be these things, we work so hard to prove to others that we are not these things, and in this hard-working waywardness we become blind to Beauty, Truth, Wisdom, Justice. And despite how hard we work, in the end we are exactly all these things.

I see it daily. So many examples of old outdated arbitrary ways and rules and beliefs alongside necessary justifications by way of so many new outdated arbitrary ways and rules and beliefs all leaving us where we are and where we have always been. To break free, we must have the radical courage to never again do the same thing the same way. No habits. No tradition. No convention. If we sit in the same place, with the same view, we will see the same thing, think the same thoughts, act and react in the same ways. We must stand up, move around, close one eye, then the other, then both; we must think thoughts we've never thought before; we must say things we've never said before; we must do things we've never done before; we must shout out at the top of our lungs; we must explore our deepest, darkest corners; we must spend time in our most calm quiet; we must cry in our happy place; we must deny what we know and we must celebrate uncertainty; we must overthrow power; we must despise leadership; we must consider then seek Beauty, Truth, Wisdom, Justice; knowing it will never be found; knowing we will always be lost; believing we can come closer; acting as if we must come closer.

I believe we must.

We work so hard to maintain and justify our old and new outdated arbitrary ways and rules and beliefs because it would take a much greater, more concerted individual effort to do otherwise; to evolve; to save Humanity.

So how exactly does one corral and focus chaos, confusion, disorder such that it leads us away from bureaucracy, convention, certainty, division, and closer to Beauty, Truth, Wisdom, Justice. To begin to do this, each individual must choose then be led by principles of form, function, discipline, indulgence, that follow personal paths through peace, purpose, reason, passion, avoiding the siren call of one's ego.


But am I asking for the impossible?

I acknowledge that perhaps for all of Humanity as a single entity, I am asking for the near-impossible. But this should not serve as a reason (excuse) for an individual human to:

  • Not work past their ego and the comforts of bureaucracy, convention, certainty, division, to reach toward Beauty, Truth, Wisdom, Justice.
  • Not seek collective peace, purpose, reason, passion.
  • Not break free.

Though not a law or an expressly-worded right, it was certainly our intention that "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union… …secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..." Posterity: they were talking about us. And like they did then, today we have also forgotten that one day we will be forefathers. And like they did then, today we have positioned and posed the Blessings of our Liberty upon a stage built of old and new outdated arbitrary ways and rules and beliefs. Their intentions were good. Our intentions are good. Yet we still suffer, arbitrarily.

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  1. Pingback: Happiness: missing the point | hopelesshappiness.com

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