Happiness? I am sad.

I am sad. I am inspired. I am active; in my own way. I aspire to learn and grow; yet I do not know to what end. I see many (perhaps most, including and especially my self) rushing here and there in their importance. I see others hushed and still; stagnant? Have they given up? Or am I mistaking their acceptance, their conformity, their acknowledgement, their understanding, their tranquility, their quiescence, for submissiveness? Should I also allow life to drive me? Or should I continue to rush here and there in my (seemingly) futile attempts to drive life? To feed a delusion of control? To disregard and disrespect Life? If my Life could speak for itself, it would probably say, “Do what you want; I know where I’m going. And like it or not, I am taking you with me.” So is my Life one of futility? With a preordained end? If this is the case, or even if I am able to convince myself that my insignificance is significant, I don’t see that I have a choice but to live for the future. But then I must ask, what future? Whose future? My future? The future of my children? And their children? And their children? How far do I descend? To the future of Humanity? Or is the future of Humanity also a futile (or insignificant) endeavor? So maybe the future of some form of sentient Life? Or any form of sentient Life? The future of this planet? This universe? And if the future of all of these options is ultimately futile (or even merely insignificant), then (again) to what end are my efforts?

Freedom. Dignity. Comfort. Peace. Happiness. Purpose. Power. Strength. Clarity. Certainty. Control. Survival. Me. Us. All. What matters? To what end?

These are basic questions.

In an attempt to answer what matters following even one path above, if I am somehow convinced that the insignificance of Humanity is significant, I will extend my thought to ask Is it fair, is it just, that merely due to the lucky fact of when I came into this existence, I am ascendant? In a position of dominance? Controlling influence? Power? Interpreted as superiority? Preeminence? Do we have this backwards? Isn't the governing or controlling influence yet to come? Why must the past dictate the present, (which in the past was the future)? Shouldn't the future dictate today, (which in the future will be the past)? Semantically I would prefer to ascend to the future rather than descend into the future. As a species indifferent to semantics I believe we would prefer to ascend to the future rather than descend into the future. Yet here I am, belittling my descendants; dissing our future. And here we are, unthinkingly, governed by yesterday, misinterpreting today, neutralizing tomorrow.

Following this single thread, the answer to what matters, is, the future. We should act accordingly.

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