The End Result of Happiness

Last week I wrote “I am sad that the end result appears to be from nearly every human working so hard to keep every body and every thing in its place and refusing any opportunity for a sincere diversity of perspective and fusion of spirit.” Even those who recognize this as truth cannot help but to contribute (at least part-time) to the (all too human) end result. What end result? Look around. Yes, it is possible that today's end result is temporary; perhaps we will yet find a way to rescue our planet and to save our selves. But it is also possible that today’s reality is the beginning of the end of the end; or perhaps even further along than that. Due to limited experience and exposure, I cannot say with certainty, but it feels like we Americans (in our simplistic, forgetful, unimaginative, judgmental, us-and-them sort of American way) are contributing more than our fair share to this trajectory.

Furthermore, as a human, not only do I feel it necessary to assign places, in return I expect gracious servility from the beneficiary of my wisdom and generosity. After all, you would not otherwise have a place; at least not in my mind. And what more awful fate for you than to not fit into my world.

Yes, there is some bitterness. I will work to temper that moving forward. Perhaps I am disconcerted because I am learning that I also do not fit into my world. And because I do not fit into my world, I am of course having difficulty finding your place for you in my world. Perhaps I am learning that I should not define my world according to who I want where, but instead should allow myself to learn and grow independent of previous learning. And perhaps I am learning that I should allow you to create your own place in my world according to who, where and when you want to be. But this learning goes against my human nature. Instead of making allowances, as a human I want to define you. I want you to see things as I do. I want you to fit according to what I have learned; according to what I know with certainty. I cannot allow you to disrupt what is; even when “what is” is not working. It still is. As it should be? Yes. If it is, it is as it should be. And as long as it is, as it should be, we will never find a sincere diversity of perspective and fusion of spirit.

So perhaps not; (if you have lost track of the question as I momentarily have, I am saying that perhaps what is, is not as it should be). Perhaps I am learning that I should appreciate you for what you do instead of for what you do for me. To appreciate you for what you do for me is manipulative. Right? You may claim subconsciously so, but nonetheless manipulative. But to appreciate you for what you do allows you freedom; releases you from your place (where you do for me) in my world. And to appreciate you for what you do (outside of me and my world) requires me to respect you as you and let go of the simplistic, forgetful, unimaginative, judgmental, you-and-me characteristic of a compartmentalized world in which every thing and every one has its place. In other words, sincere diversity of perspective and fusion of spirit.

Perhaps I am also learning that I should also release me from my place in my world where I do for my worldview instead of doing for me. I am not free when I am tied to my worldview; certain of what I know. Why is it so difficult for me to separate myself from my worldview? Why does human nature insist upon digging trenches in which one can hide from and dodge perspectives that are new and/or different? And how far from my entrenched worldview is the line that differentiates friendly fire from enemy fire? Or am I so entrenched that any contrasting perspective, no matter how slight the difference, is enemy fire?

I suppose that this is a plea; first to my self, then to any one who cares to listen. This human need for complete understanding, absolute authority and unquestioned control has become more and more dangerous as humanity has become more and more powerful. So I am asking that my learning (as laid out above) encourages in me a greater openness to new learning, discourages my entrenched human nature, and contributes to the long-term survival of our species. This is something I can do. This is something that (I believe) must begin with the individual. Human nature cannot simply be outlawed; banished by Royal decree. This new learning requires a multitude of battles to be fought on a number of fronts, but these battles are not, (should not be), assaults on other individuals. Each battle on each front, (home, school, work, community), must be fought with and against one's self. When I interact with you, I cannot force you to free me from my assigned place, and (if you have the advantage of power) I cannot force you to not force me to actively occupy that place. And whatever advantage of power I may have, I should recognize it as such and battle my human nature to withhold and dissolve imperious judgement.

Me having the power to force you to march to my tune does not make it more pleasing to your ear. And yes, your obvious reluctance also grates on my sensibilities. This circumstance in which I have crammed you into your assigned compartment, with arms flailing about and legs stuck out at odd angles, obediently following behind me, is far, far, far from a diversity of perspective. Perhaps it is not possible, perhaps it is too late, to achieve enough of a universal diversity of perspective and fusion of spirit to rescue our planet and to save our selves, but up to and into my final moment it is not impossible, it is not too late, to restore your dignity by freeing you from your place in my world and to restore my dignity by freeing me from my entrenched worldview.

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