Interactive Happiness

Writing this week I have confronted multiple false starts. I have been working on tying Human Interaction to Happiness based on some mutually constructive learning experienced this week. But each time I write a few paragraphs and re-read them they come across as obvious and/or driven by ego.

Here is an example paragraph that I have struggled with:

  • This week I have been on the receiving end of trust, respect, focused attention, and mutual interaction in a learning environment. I have seen some minor transformations and have (at times) felt gratified and fulfilled.
So perhaps what I really need to write about is ego-control and maximizing results when given an opportunity to lead.

I have indicated in recent posts that some personal circumstances have changed; specifically my employment situation. This past Monday I began teaching (in the classroom) college level curriculum. It has been several years since I have been in a leadership position that enabled me to share quality experience in this type of setting. I am cautioning myself to remember recent posts and my belief that anonymity validates exoteric goodness; yet standing in front of a class of (mostly) eager, (somewhat) captive learners, it is difficult to keep 'me' out of the equation. And in some ways I should not keep 'me' out of the equation because expectations include sharing my background and knowledge. But still, ego cannot creep into the circumstance; it will cheapen the learning experience. Even leading an initiative such as this, I believe one must first and foremost be a contributor on equal footing with all involved; especially in terms of mutual growth.

I believe that seeking power and control is a natural human tendency; and when it is handed to you, (as it has been handed to me this week), the tendency is to bask; at least a little. I also believe that these tendencies will mellow, and in this case have already begun to do so assisted by this written thought. For me, the key to ego-control now becomes constant reminders.

So if one is able to productively balance the 'me' portion with the knowledge piece, the next question becomes - How does one create synergy from quality human interaction that will expand and encompass all involved?

Some thoughts come to mind:

  • Acknowledgment of the potential for mutual learning and growth.
  • Openness and receptivity to all learning from all sources.
  • Clear targets and goals.
  • Careful, empathic listening.
  • Consistent encouragement and validation.
  • Mutual respect and compassion.
  • Creatively thinking outside the box and occasionally straying from the path to potentially discover hidden paths that ultimately lead back to the circumscribed path.
  • A factor of fun.
  • A factor of mutual accountability.
  • A factor of logic and reason.
  • Consistent opportunity to share one's truth, especially when it is not another's truth.
  • No fear.
  • No regret.
  • Opportunity for contemplation and reflection.

The above list of items could be a 'Manifesto' for the classroom or any formal learning or training, but various aspects at various times could also be used to strengthen and enrich personal and professional relationships.

All human interaction is valuable to some extent. 'Quality Human Interaction' will allow more frequent glimpses of Truth, Wisdom, and Happiness; though in the midst of Quality Human Interaction it is difficult to put these sightings into words. That is why at this point in the evolution of my thinking I added the last item to the list above - 'Opportunity for contemplation and reflection'. Of course in a formal setting that contemplation and reflection should correspond with the learning targets and goals. In relationship-building the inner thought can and should be more free-form and more difficult to put into words.

I believe the more difficult it is to pin something with an empirical definition, the more valuable that something becomes; especially if one follows its transcendence towards its whispered promise of Truth and Wisdom ... That occasional glimpse of fluttering Light ... That ethereal waft of softness and purity ... That recognition and knowledge of beyond ...

In recent weeks I have been working at a unification of harsh reality and ineffable/intuitive spirituality. I believe Quality Human Interaction should be sought out as a valuable piece to this puzzle.

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