A Fool for Happiness

A conformist is a fool for blithely and unquestioningly conforming.

A non-conformist is a fool because the conformist says so; and (unfortunately) majority perception is reality.

So the non-conformist fool can either remain as such, or become a conformist fool, or persuade the conformist fool to blithely accept an alternate reality; and if successful with the latter, is again in danger of becoming a conformist fool; or worse yet, being a leader of conformist fools.

Wouldn't it be better, if instead of fools, we all became skeptics? I am not advocating revolution; I am urging thoughtful challenge.

If we were all non-conformists thinking for ourselves, there would be no conformists to label us as fools.

Conformist fools laugh at aspects of their conformity. Non-conformist fools laugh with delight at new discoveries, and also laugh at aspects of conformist's conformity.

I believe, in varying degrees and at various times, one is both a conformist and a non-conformist; and we are all fools.

Charlie Chaplin said, "Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

And to be a fool is to invite ridicule, which creates adversity, which in turn leads to learning and growth, ultimately allowing one to close the gap on Truth, Wisdom, and Happiness.

Often one chooses to avoid the pain, and conform. William Blake said, "The fool who persists in his folly will become wise." By definition, 'folly' is a lack of understanding or sense. So if one pursues folly one should gain understanding and sense. Isn't this also the definition of 'learning'? One starts out innocent; naive; a fool; and in some respects forever stays that way. An admitted fool is generally less a fool than a fool in denial. I say 'generally' because some people seem so very sure of themselves; and it is not my place to judge; though it is my place (and your place) to think, and to question.

I wish I could more often, more willingly and more readily embrace the scorn and the pain of playing the non-conformist fool. But instead, I am too often the conformist fool; sometimes I tell myself it's for self-preservation, other times because I may believe it to be the lesser of the evils, and still other times it just seems easier to let things go - pick your battles - go home, drink a beer, and watch 'Walking Dead' - give in - give up.

No! I may still watch 'Walking Dead' - but I will not give up!

Yea, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Fools
I will fear no folly; for thou art fools with me.
Thy nod and thy laugh, they comfort me.
We preparest a stable disparity in the presence of mass obedience.
They disjoint our heads with feckless toil; yet my thoughts runneth over.

Surely I shall follow Wisdom and Truth all the days of my life,
and I will seek the house of Happiness forever.

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2 Responses to A Fool for Happiness

  1. Pingback: Kickstarting Happiness | hopelesshappiness.com

  2. Pingback: … Thou Happiness | hopelesshappiness.com

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