Recipe for Happiness

I am going to write like I know what I’m talking about.

When we talk about ingredients, cooking is an easy analogy; and as it is in cooking, it is in Happiness. We have some main ingredients that are critical, we have some secondary ingredients that are fairly common and enhance the experience, and we have some more exotic ingredients that may take us from simply satisfying to gourmet. And as in cooking, proportions and the order in which you add the ingredients help determine success; but unlike cooking there are more uncontrolled variables affecting this recipe; (see last week’s Formula for Happiness). Regardless, here is my recipe, in what I believe to be the proper order. The three main ingredients are critical. After that, additions and proportions I will leave to you, as tastes may vary.

Main Ingredients:
  1. Pleasure
  2. Enjoyment
  3. Human Interaction
Secondary Ingredients:
  1. Learning
  2. Perceived Growth or Improvement
  1. Attention and Focus
  2. Complexity
  3. Depth

Directions: Slowly add Pleasure, making certain not to overindulge. Though it is the basic stock for Happiness, Pleasure should be added in moderation to take care of basic needs; i.e. food, sleep, shelter, warmth, etc. Simmer. When Pleasure is at a comfortable level, add Enjoyment by stretching and expanding that comfort zone acquired with Pleasure. Set attainable goals and keep stirring mixture to immerse yourself in the aromas. Add doses of Human Interaction according to your taste, but know that this ingredient shares many of the same characteristics as salt – too much can overpower other ingredients, and too little can leave Happiness listless and bland. NOTE: Read labels. Healthy Human Interaction should include two-way acknowledgement, approval, and respect. Interdependent relationships will keep your mixture hearty and robust. Simmer main ingredients until you feel an urge to move on; if that urge doesn’t strike, continue to simmer and enjoy.

When mixture above starts to seem watery or unfulfilling, seek knowledge and add Learning to the stew, while continuing to stir and strengthen the other ingredients. You will find that Learning mixes easily with all ingredients. Simmer. Check for feelings of Improvement and add this Growth to the pot, being careful that it does not boil over. Repeat this cycle of secondary ingredients to taste. When you have perfected the method of adding Growth to the pot with no danger of boil-over, consider moving on to the gourmet directions below.

For a more fulfilling experience, add a liberal amount of Attention and Focus for a controlled period of time. Again, be sure to read labels. The Attention should be flexible and able to prioritize, and both Attention and Focus should have relevance and intention. Simmer and immerse yourself in the tastes and aromas and when it seems right, sprinkle in Complexity. This ingredient (Complexity), for unknown reasons and despite its name, tends to clarify and even simplify your jumbled medley, allowing you to see all the way to the bottom of the pot. When you reach this point, garnish with Depth; an ingredient that will hover through all levels of your stew from the top to the bottom, soaking up the affiliations established by your stirring and simmering. Repeat any portions of recipe directions as needed to keep your Happiness gently bubbling.

Despite the name of this web site, and despite the fact that I stated in my first post, and still maintain, that true Happiness is hopeless, I do believe that Relative Momentary Happiness (RMH) is realistically attainable, and that is what I am trying to brew up with the recipe above. I have found that by structuring my thoughts on the subject (through my writing), and trying to follow the recipe above, the 'moments' in my RMH have been coming more frequently and lasting longer; yet I know that ‘Dark’ and ‘Light’ will continue to ebb and flow.

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6 Responses to Recipe for Happiness

  1. Pingback: Happiness as Strategic Leadership |

  2. Pingback: Holiday Happiness |

  3. Pingback: the insanity of happiness |

  4. Pingback: Disconnected Happiness |

  5. Pingback: Happiness (Benefits?) |

  6. Pingback: Interconnected Happiness |

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