The Heights of Happiness

When I look up at the cold, spiky, shiny heights of reality I am enlightened, but in the muddy moonscape of my mind I struggle. Unfortunately I believe most of us cannot unbog ourselves enough to look up at the clarity of the spikes, much less contemplate this definitive rendering of the potential of actuality. If reality is something that exists independently of ideas concerning it, then I can never know reality; I can never know Truth. But I can maintain that actuality, (a Funhouse mirror image of either reality or delusion), springs from human intervention. To intervene is to come between, so for a human to insert their self (which we have no choice but to do) on what one perceives as the lee side of reality, and then seriously contemplate reality, the resulting interpretation becomes one's actuality. To be bogged down though, seldom looking up and never with intent to better understand, is to interpret actuality as delusion, (and to never even consider a possibility of Truth). So I have a choice. Though I will never know reality, I can interpret my actuality from what of it I can see and seriously consider, or I can mold my mud to justify and substantiate my momentary delusion. It is much easier to justify and substantiate, especially when my delusion is pre-packaged.

This unreachable Reality is like a furry-purry with mangle-fangles; not only wildly unpredictable but for many also largely incomprehensible. Will it purr? Or will it pounce? And why? In pondering these questions as in dealing with reality, we find safety in numbers and numbers tend toward delusion and delusion is far more manageable, predictable, convenient. So we mold our mud and we believe so strongly and in such great numbers - that our delusions threaten our survival.

From reality to actuality? Or from delusion to actuality? I prefer the former but the latter truly is more comfortable; especially for those able to find a place within the delusion, but, to an extent, also those on the fringes, within an arm's length, or even within shouting distance. Reality is uncomfortable but delusion is dangerous.

Those with money and power perpetuating the widening wealth gap have bought into the delusion. Token leadership believing they have or are close to wealth and power have bought into the delusion. Higher education has bought into the delusion. Health care has bought into the delusion. Politicians have bought into the delusion. Inclusion, diversity and equity initiatives have bought into the delusion. The five black police officers who beat Tyre Nichols to death have bought into the delusion. Justice, in this country, has bought into the delusion.

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