Happiness, layered

Most interpret dominion as power and act accordingly typically in the interest of (in ascending order):

  1. The Earth.
  2. The fish of the sea.
  3. The birds of the air.
  4. Every living thing that moves.
  5. Humanity.
  6. My people.
  7. My nation.
  8. My state and/or municipality.
  9. My village.
  10. My family.
  11. Me.

But if one were to interpret dominion as follows?

To have dominion is to be responsible. To be responsible is to take care. To take care is to provide. To adequately provide requires consideration and compassion.

Suddenly dominion is not all about me. To reinterpret power as the responsibility to provide for all those less powerful would be consequential.

…to say the least.

Politics is commonly associated with government. Power is commonly associated with strength, might, force, control, and privilege. Today, both are associated with an Us/Them divide.

But if politics at its root is simply a struggle for power, then would the struggle be as mighty if every one understood that power now required inordinate consideration and compassion sans ego? No Ego! No Us/Them! No Dominion in the traditional sense! And because politics beyond government, in every nook, cranny, crack and crevice of our lives, is this same struggle for power, (look at any circumstance or arena that includes even a single ego), within this new understanding of power as responsibility, would we be more likely to hold our leaders more accountable? And if this accountability somehow really did couple with this inordinate consideration and compassion, how many politicians would seek re-election? How many bullies, bosses, tyrants, fear-mongerers would be out of a job? How many old white men would we have to forcibly remove? How much wealth would have to be redistributed?

I am sad for this world. The lack of responsibility, the lack of compassion, the lack of justice, the overt divisiveness, the lack of love. And even sadder than this sadness is how this sadness does not appear to resonate nearly enough to create a proper sense of urgency. And the fact of this is even sadder yet. Layers of sadness, layers of anger, layers of ignorance, layers of ego, all laid down and intertwined forming a seemingly impermeable foundation fast separating Humanity from Life.

Overwhelmingly, I am sad for this world.

Overwhelmingly, we should all be sad for this world.

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