Longer, Richer Happiness

The rich get richer, the poor get dead. If you are paying attention, you know this to be true. Of course throughout all of history, regardless of that day’s standard for rich, this has always been true. Eventually though, the rich also get dead. So perhaps more simply put, the rich live longer; and suffer less. In the end, we are the same.

Many would disagree that in the end we are the same. And I cannot argue for or against any aspect of being in the end. I don’t know the actuality of beyond. But I can argue that to live this life, on this planet, as if in the end we are all the same, creates a greater likelihood of more fair and more just resources, actions and outcomes on-this-planet. And I can argue that those who believe their privilege in this life will carry them to privilege beyond this life, regardless of if they are right or wrong, are not giving this life its due.

To sit and wait for justice, believing my confidence will prove me right and others wrong, is objectively risky. I am human and I am wrong on a daily, sometimes hourly (or more) basis. I am simultaneously privileged and cursed with this life on this planet; perhaps I should focus on this life on this planet, because if I do not, and if I am wrong within my confident privilege, I may be surprised at the end.

Because I have wealth and power, or some other form of privilege real or imagined, in my mind does not logically equate to an assurance of any kind. To consider a possibility beyond this actuality has become an entanglement of our nature; as has the concept of us and them. And I argue that this deadly combination will continue to create injustice and do harm. I believe it is more logical to work as one toward justice, goodness and survival. It makes sense to me that if there is a judgement day beyond this life on this planet, I will be judged on resources I have provided, actions I have taken, and outcomes I have influenced, here, on-this-planet. I refuse to believe that I will be judged on my wealth, power and/or any real or imagined privilege.

Yet so many with wealth and power expend so much effort justifying their privilege, reassuring their ego and maintaining status quo, that progress toward justice, goodness and survival is much slower and more arduous than it need be. Again, those with wealth and power are not giving this life its due.

Again, to live this life, on this planet, as if in the end we are all the same, creates a greater likelihood of more fair and more just resources, actions and outcomes, on-this-planet.

And again, regardless of desire or belief, this life on this planet is what matters most.

I can do this life justice only by believing that in the end, we are all the same

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