Happiness Wasted

Have we become the necessity of minutiae? Have we evolved from the actual small and trifling detail to the delusional belief that to surround oneself with a collection of details adds meaning and purpose to inconsequence? What is it about copious complexity that we find so alluring and so all-important? I suppose it keeps us busy; gives us something to do; distracts us from reality.

One might argue that the reality of meaning and purpose is every bit as real as the reality of survival. I would argue that today’s reality of meaning and purpose is every bit as individual as yesterday’s reality of survival. Because survival of the individual (for many) has become something taken for granted, and because many individuals are unable to wrest their focus from their self, they have shifted their consideration from longevity to relevance, (though the essence of reality has not changed). I would suggest that the individual continue to see survival as the ultimate reality and advance their thinking to work toward survival of the species. Next to that, individual meaning and purpose is inconsequential fluff existing in an alternate and specific reality as created and maintained by the individual.

I understand the difficulty in accepting my personal details, (my perception of me), as inconsequential fluff. But in many ways to embrace this reality is liberating.
…It allows me to see that I am as necessary (or as unnecessary?) as every other individual on this planet; (perhaps not as influential but every bit as necessary).
…It allows me to focus on personally enjoyable details (such as cooking and reading and walking and writing).
…It allows me to think more freely with less regret and less guilt.
…It allows me to work to save the world.
…And though it allows for empathy, encourages kindness, and demands that one respect the autonomy of another, from the perspective of others, my truthfulness often comes across as angry or mean or surly or sad; and I suppose it is all of those things, but it is also real.

I am concerned for the future of Humanity. You should be concerned for the future of Humanity. If we could harness the wasted energy spent on relevance, would it be enough? Or is it already too late?

This brings me to faith. By definition faith is belief that is not based on proof. I have faith that Humanity, in some way, shape or form, will survive. On our current trajectory, my belief appears to be a fairly large leap. But I am evidence, and each day I find an increasing number of examples, of active faith. There are two types of faith. Quiescent faith is seen in those who focus on relevance and/or sit and wait and hope that things will get better; that ‘someone’ will figure it out; or that we will be okay, if not in this lifetime then in the next. Active faith (or active hope) is seen in those who focus on survival by listening and reading and learning. Active faith is productively angry and mean and surly and sad and truthful and real. Active faith is purposeful effort that recognizes the pointillist perspective of autonomy and the whole.

For me, faith is not an answer and active faith is merely a start. To those who believe in a better life beyond this one, I cannot disprove your faith and I will not expend energy on a pointless argument. But I can ask that you contribute to the well-being of future generations while we are sharing this plane of existence. I don’t believe it is too much to ask that you fit an active faith alongside your faith. I believe it will complement and strengthen your faith and I have the strong impression that this is happening in many evolving enclaves of faith.

I suppose a certain amount of energy spent on personal relevance is unavoidable and even necessary. We are, after all, only human. But the more of that energy one is able to redirect towards active faith, the better our chances for survival.

And in the end, survival is the ultimate reality.

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