Happiness: Collecting Souls

Is it true that the eyes are the window to the soul? To consider this, I suppose one would first have to define (or at least characterize) soul. Because this is my written thought and because I am likely the only one that will read it, I think we will use my definition for soul.

Soul: The aspect of an individual as seen and understood by the individual to be the individual; apart from the body but impacted by the body, apart from the emotions but influenced by the emotions, and apart from the intellect but persuaded by the intellect.

Considered in this regard the soul is either 1) a bladder-like receptacle that collects the unexplainable detritus of life which is then expelled into the void upon the death of the individual, or 2) a bladder-like receptacle initially imbued with meaning and purpose that collects wisdom which is then transformed into Truth upon the death of the individual.

Reconsidering, …perhaps the Truth will show that 1) and 2) are exactly the same. Perhaps as I am living in this existence it is merely a matter of perspective. Perhaps not.

So from my perspective the soul is a place where the individual collects and questions uncertainties, and formulates beliefs that ultimately guide actions that ultimately define the individual. And because we put so much emphasis on individuality and power and importance, this soul definition outmaneuvers all others, and by doing so may perpetuate cycles of selfishness. My body may tell me one thing, my heart may tell me another thing, and my brain yet another; but when it comes to understanding “me” (especially when the body, brain and/or heart disagree) I first gather this information together to determine which bits when coalesced most conform to my soul definition. The soul encourages consistency and provides a measure of comfort and safety. I tend to put more trust in my soul. So in the sense that I see what and how my soul sees, (at least metaphorically) the eyes are indeed a window to the soul.

Research also shows that physically the eyes in various ways do provide clues to one's emotional state. I believe the emotional state revealed by the eyes reflects direction after one's soul has processed and coalesced. So in this literal sense the eyes again are a window to the soul.

So what happens when the eyes are faulty, deficient or malfunctioning? The literal eyes I believe in most cases will work to continue to reflect one's soul direction though defective eyes may throw up some barriers. For example eyeglasses become a window to the window to the soul. But what about metaphorically? What if the soul sees with lazy eye or cloudy eyes or double vision? The literal eyes and the literal interpretation of this faulty definition will feel consistent and sincere to the individual because it emanates from the individual soul; that bladder-like collector of things. It is sounding more and more like I believe the soul to be a scheming, manipulative untrustworthy soul. But if this is what I see, and if what I see is guided by what the soul sees, then how can I trust this? And if the eyes are a window to the soul, but the eyes are being hoodwinked by the soul, how can I trust the eyes of another? I am back to the constancy of uncertainty and questioning; most significantly, questioning my self.

I have had medical procedures that have exposed my brain and my heart. Next week I am seeing an ophthalmologist. Will my soul also see the ophthalmologist? Will the ophthalmologist see my soul? Or will we discover together that I do not have a soul? It is a question that weighs heavy on my…


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