The Future Reality of Happiness

I sense, and then I interpret; (interpretation is inclusive of any conscious recall).


Is it the momentary, initial glimpse that is real? Or is it the whimsical, wandering interpretation that is real?

If I were to believe that the initial fleeting sensation is reality, then I would believe that there is sensation without interpretation. But, (like the proverbial tree falling in the forest), I believe sensation without interpretation is, (depending on your bent), either tangibly inconsequential and of no discernible value, or nonexistent.

If I were to believe that interpretation dictates reality, then I would logically be forced to choose between my interpretation and ALL other interpretations; (because by choosing just one other interpretation, that interpretation, in essence becomes my interpretation):
1. If I choose ALL other interpretations, I would have to believe (with certainty) all manner of polarizing perspectives.
2. If I choose my interpretation, I would have to believe (with certainty) that I am the supreme judge of ALL things.
1a. Constant divisive disagreement with oneself is personally ineffective, objectively unconvincing, and irrational; and though calculated devil's advocacy may be a circumstantially effective tool, one's Humanity appears to require opinionated systems of belief.
2a. Individual omnipotence is logically impossible; I am not God.


I believe interpretation is necessarily unavoidable and I believe all interpretation nullifies reality; therefore I believe reality does not subsist in the past, and I believe reality is ephemeral, and beyond conscious recognition, in the present. I believe the past is a figment of convenient momentary contrivance. I believe the present is a fleeting fear often followed by a fanciful synthesis. I believe the future is the only sphere in which reality can breathe. Yet, (beside the fact of interpretation), we often choose to strangle reality in its crib; before it can spread roots, sprout wings, or find its God.

When reality is allowed, reality looks to the future for God. Because interpretation nullifies reality by interpreting/suppressing the initial fear, and because the past and the present are interpretive, God cannot be real in this moment and God cannot have had influence in the past. God is only able to breathe, to live, to flourish, in the future.

This is our fear; the fear that we see in that momentary, initial glimpse. The realization that God is not dead; God never was. The realization that God is yet to be, and God will always be beyond our reach.

For me to glimpse God, I must allow reality its freedom. I must nourish the moment so that reality may escape to the future. And to nourish the moment, I must nourish my fear; and then battle whimsy and baseless hope. I must let go of me and search for wonder and reasoned revelation. I must understand that my purpose is of my own making; and, your purpose is of your own making. I must understand that the possibility of eternal life lies in the future, with future generations, and not in an interpretive myth of creation. I must look to that future and have faith that, (in its quest, beyond all notion of me), reality will find God.

Yet we often choose to strangle reality in its crib; before it can spread roots, sprout wings, or find its God.

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