Keeping Happiness Real

There is no such thing as this world. In the moment that I think of this world, it has changed. And in each moment and with each thought it changes again, into something new and different and potentially wondrous. In effect, this world is made up of the intangible; that being our hopes, our dreams, and our never-ending quest for Truth, Wisdom, and Happiness. It is not possible to grasp a reality of this world; once you think you have it, it has slipped through your fingers. So can we claim no reality? Can we live with no reality? It would appear delusional to maintain that hopes, dreams, or impossible perfections are real. But I can make a case that they are fluid, changing and growing as we do. And I just made the case that reality (as it is commonly and perhaps mistakenly defined) is fluid, changing with each new moment and with each new thought. So if it is delusional to claim dreams and reality as synonymous, perhaps we can at least recognize the sympatico between the two.

I would like to backtrack for a moment and qualify... I am coming at reality from an angle of individual perspective. I know reality can be defined (by some, and probably by most) as things that exist independently of thoughts or ideas concerning them, but for this discussion I am focusing exclusively on thoughts and ideas, and though thoughts and ideas cannot exist independently of thoughts and ideas, we would like to think they can exist independently of others' thoughts and ideas. So in this vein, perhaps we can define reality as 'an illusion of personal control' - and this appears to be required. Even if we are fooling ourselves, we need this sense of something solid to grasp. I am suggesting that perhaps by acknowledging the fluid, slippery nature of reality (as we think we know it) we can turn to hopes, dreams, and perfections as more solid hand holds to help us in our learning and growth. With these hand holds it seems we do at least have some control in their formation, whereas (I believe) the reality of this world dictates that we just grab on to something and hold on tight. And though we may have entwined personal hopes, dreams, and pursuits of perfection within that something that we agree with, or that we think we agree with, it is still an illusion of control. That something may be a job, or a system of belief (politics) or faith (religion), or it could be a family, or a significant other, or a combination of these or other things of this world; or in some cases we are just barely holding onto ourselves. But in all these cases, to varying degrees, and regardless of our personal contribution, the reality of this world is that we (as individuals) have limited control. The good news is that the more we doubt, and the more we question, the greater the potential for control.

I believe in worldly attachments. I am not advocating an exodus from this world's reality. I have (in previous posts) championed the practice of exoteric goodness as a potential bridge from the reality of this world to a transcendental reality. I believe our hopes, dreams, and pursuit of perfections should be active and contributory in this world. At the same time we need to recognize that for every bit of goodness we leave behind - In This World - there is an opposing potential to negate that goodness. That is not to say we should not practice exoteric goodness; it is only to say that we should also practice restraint; and to effectively hold opposing forces at bay, we must have had some say (control) in the thoughtful formation of our individual reality; (i.e. our personal hopes, dreams, and pursued perfections). This world does not offer any one of us the solidity each one of us can offer ourselves. If one chooses (only) the ways of this world, one should hold on tight...

One's hopes, dreams, and pursuit of perfections will add substance to one's reality; momentary as it may be...

Yesterday's dreams are Today's realities...

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