Unresolved Happiness

I cannot keep up with indisputable reality, so I search for surrogate realities that fit my personal ratiocination.

The bureaucracy of government cannot keep up with indisputable reality, so the bureaucrat encourages the voter to search for personal yet compatible coherence that will not disrupt the flow of administration created by the system that governs the bureaucrat’s reality.

The bureaucrat’s reality is very narrow.

The system can keep up with indisputable reality because the system dictates indisputable reality.

The system insists the bureaucrat regulate and maintain, and the system encourages the voter to play at alternative realities.

The system feels no pain, yet fights for survival.

In the system, you are a voter.

In the system, the voter votes with every decision and with every action; no matter how imaginatively consequential or seemingly inconsequential.

The system is as close to a pure Democracy as we will ever see.

The system is intelligence without consciousness.

It has been suggested that perhaps Neanderthal was not less intelligent than Sapiens, but instead, died out because their intelligence was misdirected.

Perhaps I am not less intelligent than the system; perhaps my intelligence is misdirected; perhaps I am merely evolving; perhaps as Neanderthal became one with Sapiens, I will soon be one with the system.

For years now I have been saying that (upper-case) Happiness is our neverending search for Truth and Wisdom.

So, if in our search we one day discover that Happiness is intelligence without consciousness, and if we faithfully and without equivocation commit to intelligence without consciousness, we will have destroyed Humanity.

But that is okay; because in finding Truth and Wisdom, we will be Happy.

Or will we?

Perhaps not; because if we have concluded our search, and if Happiness is found in the search as opposed to in the grail, we will no longer be Happy; and we will have destroyed Humanity.

Perhaps to save Happiness, we must rescue individual consciousness.

To rescue individual consciousness, the voter must disrupt administration.

To begin to disrupt administration, the voter must make atypical choices.

To disrupt administration is to alter the system.

Today the voter makes choices that are superficial; and selfish; and subservient to the system.

To continue on our current trajectory, and to allow the system to continue to make our choices, may bring Wisdom to us, and may bring us to Truth, and may even (for a time) bring comfort; but ultimately, the Truth of “intelligence without consciousness” will swallow us whole. We will have destroyed Humanity.

By disrupting administration with choices reflecting a depth of consideration for all of (past, present, and future) Humanity, we may break free from the selfish superficiality of commercialism and consumerism, wresting control from the wealthy, powerful few, and freeing individual consciousness to once again pay attention.

To be heedful instead of needful.

The system won’t care.

The system will adapt.

There are a few wealthy, powerful individuals who will care; but they (and/or their descendants) will also adapt.

Individual consciousness will always be faulty. That is the joy and the essence of Humanity.

I want to believe that a faulty yet heedful consciousness is preferable to the seemingly inevitable worsening of our current state of systematized, needful frivolity.

I want to believe that the seemingly inevitable is not inevitable. But to change direction will require (in some cases) the awakening of the individual consciousness, and (in other cases) the resuscitation of comatose consciousness; all so that we may individually pay attention.

I want to believe that we are still capable of individually paying attention.

For whatever reason, I feel an exceptionally strong sense of urgency surrounding the rescue of the individual consciousness.

Perhaps I feel this urgency because no matter how desperately I want to believe, today I am grievously disheartened by the obvious breadth and the suspected depth of the coma.

Perhaps I feel this urgency because the only way to prevent my personal mortality is through the combined efforts of active individual consciousness. If I am only able to live on, through you, and if we eventually lose the “flawed you” of individual consciousness, then we will have destroyed Humanity.

We yearn for resolution, and we spurn disruption. Yet to survive, I must spurn plausible interpretations that lead to contrived resolution, and I must actively embrace thoughtful disruption.

I must be heedful instead of needful.

And though the system will fight for survival, the system will feel no pain.

And ultimately the system won’t care.

Because the system will adapt.

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