Driving Happiness

This morning, I woke up angry. I showered angry. I walked to work angry. I logged on to my computer angry. I yelled inside my head that conversations today were on a needs-only basis, because I was angry!!!

...Then someone said, "Good Morning."

...And I forgot I was angry.

Damn It!

Why do people have to rain pleasantries down upon my anger? Now a perfectly good opportunity to harden my arteries has been diminished. I worked all night to build up to that level of anger, and "Poof"---with one bumbleheaded, humdrum courtesy, I smiled.

Maybe it's not too late. Perhaps I can build it back up. With a little effort---(sometimes, very little)---I can think of many justifications for anger, but I can't remember the specific thought or incident, (if there was one), that ignited last night's escalation. What I do recall, doesn't seem to be that big of a deal now, so I must be missing something. Or perhaps I just woke up angry. Oh well. I am confident I can find another spark.

...that is, if I can get past this ill-timed, thoughtless inanity just uttered in passing! And to what end? Does she feel better because (forgetting myself), I smiled and responded in kind? Does she think I am honored by her offering of kind words? Surely all social grace is not gratuitous. She sounded sincere, but we barely know each other. I understand civility, but does it have to be so damned cheerful? I see cheerful social civility as wanton, approaching obscene. I see unsolicited affability as unrecognized untruth. I see deference and gallantry as demeaning and grotesque.

...Or perhaps I have just rediscovered my anger.

...And now look! Someone else just passed by and didn't say a word! Am I too far below her station to be spoken to? She must be Royalty of some sort...

This day, so far, is unbelievably maddening. The first person I see speaks to me, then the next one doesn't. Next thing you know someone will probably ask after the well-being of my family...

...Or not.

...And either way, I am confident that they will do so in a manner that offends.

It's good to have a driver...

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