Buoyant Happiness

I have to let go; or (as the case may be) jump off. I'm talking about my pedestal. I think we all have one; a very ornate, marble, solid (yet comfortable and secure) pedestal.

I stand on it, tall and proud, looking over my world. A sea of my own making, filled with darting, playful, silvery promise. I also see other pedestals with other humans; each pedestal big enough for one. From my perspective, all other pedestals are shorter, and their occupants don't stand as tall.

Occasionally, a big wave comes along and knocks me off my pedestal. When this happens, I stubbornly hang on until the wave or storm passes, and eventually climb back up to dry in the sun and once again stand tall.

Occasionally (sometimes frequently), I venture out to procure some measure of fulfillment by laying hold of and consuming the hope and expectancy shining beneath the surface. At times these glints of silver are bountiful; at other times, less so. Sustenance.

Sometimes, those nearby let me hold on to their pedestal for a short period of time when I need to.

Sometimes I wander a little far.

And sometimes (because I am considerate and charitable) I let others hang on to my pedestal when they need to. Once or twice I have actually come off my pedestal and helped another onto it, so they could dry in the sun. But I always (in fairly short order) encourage them to return to their pedestal. I don't understand how anyone could be so lost as to not know where their pedestal is.

I always return to my pedestal.

I wonder what is beyond the pedestals.

I wonder if there is a 'beyond the pedestals'.

If there is, would the silvery promise be more bountiful? And/or, would it be more difficult to acquire?

I know if I jumped off my pedestal, I could not fly; but if there were no pedestals to hang onto, how long would I stay afloat?

I am afraid of drowning.

Are there others beyond the pedestals?

If so, are some better swimmers than others?

If there is a 'beyond the pedestals', is it a realm of higher consciousness, compassion, and community, or is it an expanse of loneliness and despair?

Is a pedestal necessary for mental stability?

If there were no pedestals, would I learn to be a better swimmer?

If there were no pedestals, would I be prey for dark, ugly creatures from the depths?

I am afraid of monsters.

Perhaps I would not drown.

Perhaps I could slay the monsters ... Or befriend them.

Perhaps the buoyancy would give me the feeling of weightlessness. Flying. No Gravity.

Maybe we don't all have or need a pedestal; (but it seems like we do).

Maybe 'beyond the pedestals' is not so scary; (but it seems like it would be).

I would like to see beyond the pedestals; or at least, see how long I could stay afloat with no pedestal.

I must jump off; or (as the case may be) let go ...

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