Becoming Happiness

A. Passionate, stubborn, selfish lack of critical analysis.


B. Arrogant, presumptuous, quixotic surplus of tangled bureaucracy.

This is the choice we are consistently given. And after decades of choosing, despite the seemingly infinite and ever-growing mass of available knowledge...

...We have become a passionate, quixotic, arrogant, stubborn, selfish, presumptuous, tangled bureaucracy unable to think beyond gaming and blaming.

...We have become a circus train wreck with rampaging elephants stomping performing poodles, and clowns brandishing severed arms to allegedly keep the peace, and one-armed jugglers spurting blood and looking for a new line of work, and the fire eater unable to take another bite, and the acrobats turned human cannonballs, and the knife thrower and sword swallower considering and then reconsidering rescuing the strongman and bearded lady thrown under the train, and broken and bent cogs and sprockets and wheels scattered haphazardly about, and the tightrope walkers broadcasting disputatious accounts of the carnage, and the trapeze artists taking advantage of the chaos and confusion to sow discontent, and the lion tamer left to explain to the authorities because the ringmaster is busy tweeting about the tightrope walkers and trapeze artists failure to maintain balance, and a large majority of the public giddily unaware, and another significant portion of the public unable to comprehend---on so many different levels.

...We have become a contradiction, routinely and often unknowingly swapping roles as straight man and dimwitted comic, as good cop and bad cop, as sadist and masochist, as beggar and miser, as master and slave, as know-it-all and dissident, as mastermind and stooge, as us and them.

...We have become a shadow box of nooks and crannies and niches; small places to hide and feel secure; protection from all except that which is directly in front, on the surface; superficial and immediate; no exploration; no depth of reasoning; limited investigation and slapdash interpretation; believing that others are outside looking in and seeing the whole picture, when in actuality we are all peeking around corners; and if inclined to explore we are often strongarmed back into our place; and from our place, inside our small and comfortable cubbyhole, we define self, and purpose, and Living.

...We have become expectatious, which, because it is technically not a word, appropriately represents our constant anticipatory state of entitlement which, because it is technically not a sense, should not be even a fleeting frame of mind, yet here we are believing the world owes me something simply because I draw breath; and because we are so busy worrying over getting our individual due, we are unable to make the effort to notice and take action to assist those with greater need which would be far more helpful and productive not just to those individuals here and now with greater need, but ultimately to the survival of Humanity because those with the greatest need are those future generations who are not here to help themselves or even to have input, and yet here we are believing we are not messing things up for great-great-grandchildren.

...We have become a freak snowstorm; turning our previous potential for warmth and compassion and beauty into a blinding blizzard of detached solitude; transforming a possibility of universal interdependence and synergy into a cold and lonely struggle for independent survival; forcing us into isolated and entrenched encampments designed to protect us from outside elements; disfiguring our landscape and adjusting our perspective to match the barren desolation; creating whiteout conditions in which we no longer know up from down; in which we no longer know the passing of time.

...We have become conflict and confrontation because our yardstick is power and money instead of acuity and aptitude, and though our yardstick has always included power, power has also typically been reflective of (at least a degree of) acuity and aptitude, but today, despite the seemingly infinite and ever-growing mass of available knowledge, the incestual relationship between power and money has excluded acuity and aptitude, claiming power and money as the true measure of acuity and aptitude despite the hideously malformed and monstrously incompetent offspring power and money, (or power and power, or money and money), have sprung upon us.

...We have become oblivious.

...We have become undone.

...We have become, unbecoming.

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