Happiness in Reverse

It took one week for Donald Trump to do something stupid. Against all counsel, (because he did not seek any), he spread his new wings, flew past conventional process, and from 10,000 feet shat on the U.S. Constitution, creating confusion and bafflement at borders, in airports worldwide, and on both sides of the aisle. On Monday, he compounded his shortsightedness by commandeering the bureaucracy of the badge and raising his personal skull and crossbones over the Department of Justice. (In this moment), this is not a question of right or wrong. This is a question of methods. Our new president is a bully.

It appears Mr. Trump now has the Department of Justice safely tucked under one wing, and with the Legislative Branch presumably tucked under the other wing, the only question that remains is how long will he be able to stay aloft with 2 right wings.

I see hope on two fronts. One, the *Judicial Branch, has already spoken, though, (it seems to me), rather meekly. They need to step up and do their job, as specified by the framers of our Constitution. It was James Madison who said, "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny."

The second hope lies in the Republican feathers ruffled by Trump's shenanigans. Though not a majority, a significant number of Republicans have spoken out against his unorthodox maneuvering, including Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) who said, "...President Trump's executive order was not properly vetted. We are particularly concerned that this order went into effect with little to no consultation with the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, and Homeland Security. Such a hasty process risks harmful results."

Though I typically do not imbibe, political commentary, discussion, and exploits may become more of an influence on my thoughts and words. If there is a runaway train and a high likelihood of a train wreck, no matter how intensely I yearn for otherwise, how can I tear my eyes away? This administration will test our Constitution and the entire concept of separation of powers. At this juncture, less than two weeks in, I still have faith that stupidity will not run rampant through all branches and departments of our government. Bureaucracy alone is enough of a daily challenge. Though at this juncture, less than two weeks in, I am sad that I feel the necessity of such a strong response. I have previously said that "ignorance is immature stupidity" (and part of the learning process), and "stupidity is grownup ignorance" (practiced by those who should know better), and "the challenge is to outgrow ignorance before it becomes entrenched as stupidity." This challenge is a never-ending, lifelong endeavor. It appears that Donald Trump's ignorance is entrenched. He should know better. Instead of seeking common ground, he is throwing up roadblocks and building walls. Divisiveness is not the answer.

Trump's executive order on immigration is an interesting juxtaposition to some crime statistics I have looked at this week. I find it fascinating and actively hopeful to see the rate at which violent crime has decreased. Despite what we may see and hear from the media, and despite what some may maintain as reality, according to fact, we are getting smarter. I interpret decreasing violent crime rates as a strong indication of greater tolerance, understanding, empathy, intelligence, and a broadening of common ground; all necessities for the ultimate, long-term survival of Humanity. I interpret Donald Trump's actions in this past week as a strong indication of greater intolerance, divisiveness, combativeness, stupidity, and a narrowing of common ground; all necessities for ego and, (if not curtailed by the Judiciary and by autonomous, responsible Republican legislators), a recipe for tyranny.

All Hail, Tyrannosaurus Trump!

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*Friday night, a court order temporarily lifted the immigration ban. Today the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security dismantled Trump's order, restoring travel privileges. Trump predictably responded with a tweet calling the judge a "so-called judge" and the restraining order "ridiculous!"

After two weeks of Trump, I am inclined to believe that the impact and influence of his daily blustering swagger will continue to fade into irrelevance. As long as we are diligent in our efforts to rationally battle his divisive rhetoric, (just as with his immigration foolishness), he will continue to be exposed for what he is: a Tyrant Wannabe King.

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