Rethinking Happiness


  1. Inequality (opens the door to)
  2. Potential for Violence (which requires)
  3. Threat of Force (in order to enforce)
  4. Rules and Regulations (created to perpetuate)
  5. Threat of Force (in order to enforce)
  6. Rules and Regulations (created to perpetuate)
  7. Existing Power Structures (characterized by)
  8. Unimaginative Indifference at the Top (which requires)
  9. Resourceful Inefficacy at the Bottom (which on occasion requires a degree of)
  10. Creative Organization at the Top (which often creates)
  11. A Larger Complex of Rules and Regulations (which encourages)
  12. Mind-Numbing Industry at the Bottom (which ultimately translates to)
  13. Compliant Consumerism (which leads to)
  14. Unimaginative Indifference at the Top (which requires)
  15. Resourceful Inefficacy at the Bottom (which maintains)
  16. Inequality.


To Perpetuate and Preserve:

  1. Prejudice
  2. Persecution
  3. Police
  4. Paperwork
  5. Police
  6. Paperwork
  7. Power
  8. Passive Privilege
  9. Plebeian Perseverance
  10. Procedural Planning
  11. Plethoric Paperwork
  12. Plebeian Production
  13. Pandemic Purchasing
  14. Passive Privilege
  15. Plebeian Perseverance
  16. Prejudice


  • Constantly cycling through 3-4-5-6 and 8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 preserves 1, 2, and 7, and ensures a perpetuation of the larger cycle through 16 and back to 1.
  • The "Police" may wear uniforms and carry guns.
  • The "Police" may wear business suits and carry clipboards.
  • The "Police" may wear smug looks and carry canons.
  • The "Police" may wear smiles and carry diaper bags.
  • Those at the Top, with the Power, want us to believe that the "Police" are acting as loving parents.
  • The "Police" may believe they are acting as a loving parent.
  • The "Police" may or may not understand their role within the larger cycle and/or the smaller cycles.
  • The inefficacy referred to and implied in 9 and 15 is specific to an inability to effect favored change and does not necessarily infer a decrease in production.
  • Those at the Top, with the Power, find comfort in their quiescent disregard.
  • Those at the Bottom must persevere; or disappear.
  • From an individual perspective, these dynamics are fluid, changing with circumstance.
  • From a universal perspective, these dynamics are, so far, an inevitable reflection of human nature.
  • From an individual perspective, these dynamics are fluid, changing with consensus opinion.
  • From a universal perspective, these dynamics are functionally delusional in that many individuals at the Bottom believe themselves to be at the Top.
  • To change human nature, we must rethink 1, 2, and 7.

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