Uninspired Happiness

From dictionary.com - Accomplishment: 1. An act or instance of carrying into effect; fulfillment; 2. Something done admirably or creditably; 3. Anything accomplished; deed; achievement; 4. Any acquired ability or knowledge.

This week I have been rather lethargic and uninspired. Physically, it has been a very tough week. So, in some ways the simple act of thinking and writing in a semi-coherent manner is a greater accomplishment than in some weeks when more numerous deeds were fulfilled in a more creditable or admirable manner. But how is that judged? If I am the judge, then I can take circumstance into account and subjectively judge lesser objective accomplishment as greater achievement. But at the end of one's Life, though one may be given some benefit of doubt (especially from loved ones), ultimately, one's legacy---(a summation of accomplishment)---will be judged objectively.

This week I am experiencing a heavy, achy, clammy spirit. From a subjective perspective, I have accomplished much and performed admirably and creditably. From an objective perspective, I have accomplished little and performed just enough to get by.

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