Unordered Happiness

  • Today is the 34th anniversary of the day I married. I am still married. I am still married to the same woman. While it may not significantly change the world, it is notable; and meaningful; and rewarding.

  • "Listen carefully to fire's soft babble, its Tourette's cracks and sparks. Listen carefully: Fire speaks in tongues." -from 'Talulla Rising' by Glen Duncan.

  • The accumulation of financial wealth as a Lifelong pursuit appears to me to be a sad and ludicrous expenditure of a Life.

  • All confidence is over-confidence.

  • Hard work for the sake of hard work is worthwhile and more desirable than sloth, but if that hard work is directly tied to learning, growth, exoteric goodness, inner peace, and/or global tranquility the value is multiplied exponentially. If I find that my hard work is (even inadvertently) contributing to harm, how do I weigh evils to determine the lesser thereof?

  • "Got my Mojo working, but it just won't work on you." - Muddy Waters.

  • If Compassion is meant to help in overcoming problems and as an aid in the alleviation of suffering then I must first have self-compassion so I am better equipped to help others. When guiding compassionate thoughts, words, and deeds toward others, any disapproval or constructive criticism must be (1) gentle and (2) asked for (or not verbalized); this should then be followed by a sincerely human wish to ease their suffering, and an active acknowledgment that I may be misguided.

  • I must choose - the ethereal solidity of baseball or the potential for inner eloquence.

  • Imagine a 'spectrum of religiosity' from 0 to 10 (in which the numbers are positions only and do not signify rankings) where 0 is no certainty and no unmoved mover or first cause, and 10 is an all-seeing, all-knowing, caring, benevolent God. Now put yourself on that spectrum; (you are not allowed to choose 5).

  • Who cares?

  • Yesterday we played our 999th game of Scrabble since May 9, 2004. In this 10 years, 2 months, and 17 days she has won 496 to my 494. We have tied 9 times. Interestingly we have never tied in an odd numbered year, though we have played 488 (49%) of our games in odd numbered years. Our ties have all come in 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014. How often do we come across a strange fact that is not odd?

  • Is money the root of all bureaucracy?

  • Gibberish - An interesting word. Some would say I have been spouting weekly gibberish here, for the past three years; (some might say I have been spouting gibberish my entire Life). Gibberish is in the ear of the beholder; and if I am spouting it, surely it is not gibberish - Right?

  • Why would one choose the superficiality of looking good over the profundity of being good?

  • Imagine a 'spectrum of spiritual disagreement' from 0 to 10 (in which the numbers are positions only and do not signify rankings) where 0 is a desire for violent retribution toward those who disagree, and 10 is a desire to 'Do No Harm' regardless of position or belief. Now put yourself on that spectrum; (you are not allowed to choose 5).

  • Does it matter who cares?

  • Teams Win! You hear it a lot as a motivational slogan especially (it seems) in the workplace. I would agree. Teams Do Win. My question is - what do they win and for whom? - Because it often seems that my reward is higher expectations and less meaningful work.

  • To some it is a garbanzo bean; to others, a chickpea.

  • The empirical actions of one individual sentient being (as particle) in the context of all Humanity (as wave) cannot be predicted with any high degree of certainty. This uncertainty can be mitigated (thus increasing the potential for Exoteric Goodness and Compassion) if greater numbers of individual sentient beings could find common ground in a single transcendental wavelength. I believe Heisenberg would agree.

  • Do you ever mistake being persistently glib for being ahead of your time? Or for being astute? Insightful? Thoughtful? Yet to translate meaning into the spoken or written word, and to do it well, is by definition being glib. It appears that to communicate meaningfully and to be taken seriously, one must resort to acts of Compassion. Regardless, I will continue to talk to myself.

  • Happiness Review: lower-case happiness is everyday cheerfulness / satisfaction; upper-case Happiness is one's Lifelong search for Truth and Wisdom; to Live Life is to seek happiness and/or Happiness according to one's personal interpretation; to Live Life to the fullest requires one to search for Truth and Wisdom; one's search for Truth and Wisdom will advance learning and growth, as well as uncertainty and doubt; to Live Life to the fullest is an empowered cry for Help; to live life with certainty and confidence is a silent scream of quiescent angst.

  • For many it is difficult to choose between 'religious devotion' and 'Do No Harm'.

  • In the 1960's we saw widespread passion and indignation brought about as a result of the twin pressures of the war and civil rights. Will we ever see an epidemic of serious thought again? Or are we too busy shopping?

  • "I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more." - Bob Dylan.

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