Freak Happiness


Freak Accident #1:

Due to an apparent malfunction of the emergency ejection apparatus I am hurtled from the security of my space ship into a solitary orbit around the Earth. I am able to maintain sustenance (air, water, food) through the marvels of advanced technology, but I have no way of communicating my plight to another living being. I am destined to live out my Life, alone with my thoughts, staring longingly at home. I instinctively search for and find meaning through contact with the assortment of man made objects also orbiting our planet. To touch home in this manner, even for just a moment, helps me to remember the beauty, and the challenge, and the enormity of this miracle of Life, and in my humility I find this active appreciation to be enough...

Freak Accident #2:

I have lost all sense of 'me'. I understand the concept and know at one time I had it, otherwise I couldn't speak of it. And I know precisely the moment it happened. A freak cloud of space dust engulfed me about five orbitals past. With its dense, buffeting force it nearly flung me into deep space, but in the end it spit me back to continue revolving around the world. When I emerged from the cloud, I knew something was different - I had no concept of 'me'. I could still (and can still) tell you my name and remember my history from early childhood to the present moment, and I can still speak of me in that regard, but I do not feel connected to 'me' in any way other than as a mildly interested onlooker. There is no longer the intense emotional affinity there once was. However, once I comprehended this dissociation I looked down upon the Earth and my entire being filled with an electrical hum that with practice I have learned to separate into specific, conjoined spikes of pain, sadness, comfort, joy, and innumerable other physical, mental, and emotional sensations. It was as if... as if the living, thinking vibrancy of the entire planet had replaced 'me'. And you would think these conflicting sensations would in some way(s) cause distress; but no - it energized, strengthened, and in a strange, inexplicable sort of way made me feel light as a feather balanced on the head of a pin.

Freak Accident #3:

My equipment has been disabled. I am guessing that a tiny space pebble has lodged in a rear thruster causing occasional vertiginous spinning, a consistent instability impacting balance, and has also created a cacophonous symphony of constant high-pitched whining interspersed with various staccato drum beats and punctuated by other notes and whistles of varying lengths, pitches, and timbres that relentlessly reverberate through my equipment and my physical being. I cannot definitively locate the source and I believe the pebble must periodically reposition itself thus changing the nature and intensity of the spinning, instability, and disharmony. Fortunately I have been able to (for the most part) remain detached from these disfunctionings and actually look upon them as a companionable and (at times) entertaining distraction. Regardless, I am at their mercy.

Freak Accident #4:

In space I rarely remember my dreams, or dreaming. About two orbitals past (wide awake) I was suddenly overwhelmed with an odor I can most closely describe as blood and overripe fruit; perhaps apricots. Within a minute after the smell had announced itself, I saw a swirling multicolor funnel effect ahead and slightly to my right; it was much like an artist's rendering of a black hole I had once seen. Of course I know that there are no black holes within many-hundred light years of Earth, and I know they do not look like this; I assumed the vision was a physical reaction to the paralyzing odor. As the vision receded, the smell also dissipated and I seemed none the worse (or better); until the dream...

During my next doze I dreamed that I opened my eyes and instead of the normal magnificent view of Earth from space, I was looking down (as I might from the top of a tall tree) upon a large garden or park and a rather large group of children playing. I saw no adults. I could hear the children's shouts and laughter; I could see the tears of the little one who skinned her knee; I could see the respect given to the older child as she comforted and coaxed the small child back to carefree play; I could sense the camaraderie and unspoken understanding of a free-spirited give and take; and I could see the discord (when it infrequently arose) soon turned to harmonious accord - not through a set of rules or heavy-handed bullying, but through a shared compassion encouraged and nurtured by the desire to play. Their hearts were open - their play was meaningful.

Freak Accident #5:

Ever since I accidentally detached my regenerator and had to (frantically) cleanse, purify, and repressurize my system, my dreams (though still rare) have taken an interesting turn. Now when I open my eyes (in my dream) I am able to direct my omniscience to anywhere I sense it may be helpful, and additionally I am able to focus specific conjoined spikes of sensation back toward the individuals presented in my dream. I typically choose comfort, joy, goodness, and peace to send forth, though sometimes, almost beyond my capacity to reason, pain feels appropriate as a learning aid. I know they feel the electrical hum of my wordless effort; I can see it in their reaction and I can feel it reflected back to me, shifting my balance and adding to my already-loaded circuitry. It is funny-strange that the more I dream in this manner, the lighter the feather, the smaller the head of the pin, and the more perfect the balance; (never completely perfect - always a bit precarious - but closer).


Freak Accident #5:

I am in a position of responsibility, overseeing work and managing people. I don't mean to hurt people. Their pain and suffering is just at times an accidental byproduct of decisions I make for the greater good. Yes, some disagree and argue my interpretation of 'greater good' but it is my place to make these decisions. It is not like I am a bloodthirsty tyrant waging war and calling on a military to use deadly force; (though I do understand how the leaders of this great country must occasionally make those decisions). Due to my superior position and skills I am simply doing what is best.

Freak Accident #4:

I remember the good old days when the boss was the boss and the employees did what they were told. And then there came the accident. Every major organization has had one. For us it was when a careless window washer fell from a scaffolding, broke his back, and ended up in a wheelchair. Of course he wasn't wearing a harness; back in the day, we didn't need them. Suddenly we were inundated with insurance people and lawyers and those Damn human resources people. It seemed our HR department tripled in size overnight. And then of course we had more rules and policies and procedures to cover every conceivable eventuality; and now we sign acknowledgements that we have read things we've never read, because if we read everything, we would never get any work done.

I would like to go back to the good old days; but since I cannot, I will continue to take advantage of this new bureaucracy. There are the obvious advantages such as when someone gets hurt the company's damage is mitigated by the policy or procedure the careless employee signed and never read. There are also more subtle, devious advantages if a boss is even halfway familiar with the rules. For example, when you have a troublemaker there are multiple ways to get rid of them; and yes, sometimes it is a process what with warnings and counseling and all the additional documentation, but the rules are written in a way that pests are controlled. Additionally, with all the rules, bosses can now control 'specialization' which is a fancy, HR term enabling separation and detachment that in turn thwarts trouble before it can start; (and I know how to spot trouble, sometimes even before I've spoken to a new employee). Granted, this disconnect that is created harms productivity, but I didn't make the rules; remember, I'd like to return to the good old days when I knew how to increase productivity. Today manual labor refers to work done by the book; i.e. the 1500 page policy/procedure manual. I can only speak to what I know, but what I see is a bunch of workers whose hearts are not in their work. And I acknowledge that much of the work (from their perspective) appears meaningless largely due to the layers of bureaucracy, but that's okay because I don't want them to see the big picture. That's my job.

Freak Accident #3:

About this time last year, by chance, I ran across an old friend on the golf course. I had not seen him for several years and had lost track of his what-and-whereabouts. It turns out he is a VP in a large organization and he was searching for a new Director of Operations to take charge of some upcoming acquisitions and have responsibility over a current work force numbering in the thousands, and growing. Seeing as how I felt my current position was on a plateau, we negotiated and I am now thriving in a position of power that suits my desires, skills, and abilities (in my humble opinion) perfectly. We have been very successful, and I must admit that I enjoy the power and control. Though I would not say this aloud, it is thrilling to have so many, essentially, at my mercy...

Freak Accident #2:

I did not get my way. I had plans that did not turn out as they should have. I am important and the world does tend to revolve around me, and when it does, everyone is better for it. But now this setback - I'm sure just a crazy freak accident. Suddenly I am plunged into an icy cold abyss of dark distress, and I feel the weight of the world not only on me, but also pushing out from within. Now, I intend to push back and I will have my way. Come on Guys! Just Listen!

Freak Accident #1:

I am born as me; the odds of that are astronomical. I live on a planet with more than 7 billion other sentient beings and throughout my Life I instinctively search for a greater meaning beyond the empirical reality that surrounds me. Beyond the beauty, and the challenge, and the enormity of this miracle of Life, in my arrogance I believe there must be more...

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