Doing Happiness

Q - What then must we do? A - More.

(1) Draw a circle (with a pencil), say, 5 inches in diameter. (2) Write your name, or simply 'ME' inside the circle, large enough to fill the circle. (3) Now carefully erase the circle, leaving 'you' and redraw the circle 10% larger. (4) Now erase your name/'ME'. Now repeat steps 2, 3, and 4... again... and again... and again... ad infinitum. This is what we must do.

The sum of all things is subtle; gradual. The components that make up that sum run the gamut from subtle to a punch in the mouth; or in the brain; or in the heart; or in the gut.

Surprise - Unpredictability - Randomness: these qualities create color, meaning, and three-dimensional growth. The illusion of control stifles and stymies. If Surprise, Unpredictability, and/or Randomness are contrived, they will feel contrived. Spontaneity is often contrived.

We do make comparisons. For the most part they are comfortable, nearby, empirical comparisons. Many of us avoid uncomfortable, large-scale comparisons. Many of us avoid serious, analytical, transcendental comparisons. When it comes to transcendental belief many of us will not wander far from the center-point of our circle. While we may stretch ourselves empirically, many of us stand firm transcendentally.

From Discomfortable Happiness:

"To advance empirically or transcendentally one must choose hardship by learning from the past, consulting with the future, and letting go of both (the past and the future) in order to decide and act in the moment in accordance with the highest ideals of (unattainable) perfection for whatever the challenge. Chasing Perfection is rife with adversity."

Continue to raise the bar and stretch your circle. If one falls too far inside oneself or ventures too far beyond oneself for too long, the subtlety is lost and we are in danger of losing our self.

Dead or dying flowers are a reminder.

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