holding hands with Happiness

Dear World,

Please hold my hand. My Mommy and Daddy did for lots of years when I was crossing the street, or ascared to go to the bathroom by myself. But now I find myself away from Mommy and Daddy and I need you to hold my hand. I have a lot of good reasons for not being reliable or not meeting expectations, but you make it even harder when you get mad or say I am whining or making excuses. You should be nicer.


Dear Caprice,

I completely understand your need for security and I would like to hold your hand; when I am able.

As your Mommy or Daddy I will hold your hand less and less frequently as you grow older, but when you are having a tough time you are welcome to come running into my arms for a big hug and I will hold your hand as we talk things through.

As your teacher I will hold your hand more frequently in the early stages of learning, but less and less so as you learn and grow, at which time I will resort to gentle nudges and words of encouragement. But I will also insist on a certain amount of accountability and self-sufficiency.

As your employer I will hold your hand (but not very often) for about two weeks; (if I have the time). At that point you are welcome to ask for instruction, direction, and occasional guidance, but really, you're pretty much on your own. I will expect you to do your job. If you insist on hand-holding, I am more likely to cut off my hand, wish you good luck, and send you on your way. I can grow another hand.

As your government I will hold your hand if you fill out lots of forms, spend hours in government offices, and somehow convince one or more drones of bureaucracy that you are a special case in dire need of hand-holding. You must also agree to become a nameless, faceless number, and know that once you are in the system we will hold your hand so tightly that you will most likely not be able to escape our grasp.

As your friend I encourage you to show compassion, consideration, and respect, through empathic listening, and perhaps we can find some time to hold each other's hand.

I know some of this sounds harsh and you may not want to hear it, but this is my way.

The World

Dear World,

Thank you for your response. You are right - I do not want to hear what you are saying. I was brought up to think that you revolve around me and I could bend you to my will by simply calling on the power of 'ME'. I remember in third grade we had an entire week dedicated to 'The Importance of Me' and though I think the other kids participated I know I did the best because I got an 'A' which meant I was the most important. In fact all the way through high school I was constantly told I could do anything and be anything I wanted. So now I need you to hold my hand. Thank you for reconsidering.


Dear World,

I wrote you yesterday and you still haven't responded. I insist that you respond at once or I will have to address my concerns with your Supervisor.


Dear Universe,

Please see the attached thread of correspondence with The World. It has been two days with no response and I am rapidly losing patience. Please respond immediately or address these concerns with The World so we may resolve this situation. Thank you.


Dear Caprice,

I have looked over your request and I must agree with The World that reality does not allow for excessive hand-holding. From my (much larger) perspective I would say The World has been very generous, and I would recommend you pursue your concerns and seek resolution from within. Truth and Wisdom begin within the individual and it is up to each individual to let that search lead them to inner peace and extend from there to exoteric goodness and transcendental reasoning, in the (active) hope that one will glimpse Happiness. This may sound very mysterious and obscure, but believe it or not you have already begun the process by questioning why 'all of a sudden' The World does not revolve around you. It is important, Caprice, to question everything and follow that up with answers (from within and from others in The World) and then begin again by questioning those answers.

As The World said, you may not have wanted to hear this, but it is my way.

The Universe

Dear Caprice,

I would like to apologize for not previously responding immediately as you would have liked, but of late I have had many affairs to attend to.

I have read the response from The Universe and I agree that reality does not allow for excessive hand-holding. I also appreciate his/her comment on my generosity and I believe you should take that to heart. Much of the rest of her/his response (I believe) borders on hibbety-jibbety, but nonetheless ...

Whether you look for answers from within (as The Universe suggested) or from those who have passed or are passing through me, I would recommend study and empirical analysis. There is much to learn and (regardless of your age) you are just beginning. It will be tough at times but you will learn much from the unavoidable pain and adversity found in your path. And now I must send you on your way. I am sorry I can no longer hold your hand as much as you would like. Good Luck Caprice.

The World

Dear World (and Universe),

I have discussed this matter at length with my sister, Constance, and though I don't like it, I can see it is your way; and I guess I don't have a lot of say; for now. Thank you for your efforts.

Caprice Warren

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