Ordering Happiness

The idea of moving from 'order to disorder' or 'simplicity to complexity' is fascinating. For me (and I believe for many others) it succinctly describes the direction that we do move through time. One cannot erase experience. We may not always remember or be able to identify the specific influence of a specific moment, but I believe all of experience synergistically exerts an influence on every moment. So as I add individual experiences throughout my lifetime it is logical that disorder becomes more and more likely and simplicity becomes more and more difficult.

Yet I like order and I want to simplify. If I cannot find 'simple order' I will settle for organized complexity. This is why of late I have been drawn to Steampunk. Described as 'What the past would look like if the future had happened sooner' its images (for me) represent domesticated disorder. This is what I have been attempting to do with Truth, Wisdom, and Happiness every week for the past year. I would like to take all the cogs and wheels and clockworks and gears and brass and top hats and goggles and corsets of life, and if not make some sense of it all, at least make it more visually appealing and thought-provoking; (which in itself should add some sense). As I progress through this increasing disorder I want to remain passionate and excited about living life. I don't want to shuffle along in a rut avoiding the chaos of swirling expectations and experiences. I want to be a collector; but not one who piles it all in heaps of unintelligible clutter in the barn or attic. I want Steampunk clutter - Harmonious Discord.

I have previously touched upon the importance of finding accord in the midst of the discord of Life. I have advocated prioritizing and organizing the minutiae of Life. And here I am again encouraging rhythm and harmony to assist in this ordering of disorder. So as with most objectives, it must be easier said than done. I will dig deeper.

Perhaps it is as simple as avoiding that rut; combining known methods of orchestration (reading, writing, learning) with subtle, intuitive reminders (music, art, nature), and adding new discoveries (like my recent crush on Steampunk). Of course new discoveries will almost always be an existing sub-class or sub-genre found in the process of reminders and orchestrations, and will often carry the additional stigma of being quirky, eccentric, or frivolous.

Though the phrase 'Steampunk' has been around nearly 30 years, and its roots go back to Victorian times, I think many would still identify it as a fad. Continuing to think this through, I am now asking myself if a fad is truly a new discovery or just a way to combat boredom and convince myself that I am open to new ideas and not in a rut. Wow ... Am I just a sad old man trying to keep up, or does 'branching out' really add vitality and ignite passion? ... tough question.

... Or is it a tough question? ... (small epiphany) - If something resonates within, no matter how short-lived, I need not worry, nor make apologies; especially if I can learn from it and apply it to other aspects of my Life. On the other hand, if I am jumping on the bandwagon because everyone else is, then that is a problem. So we have come around to uninhibited truthfulness with oneself; (again). I have to look inward to examine my motivations and my true feelings.

And having done so now, in this case, I still like Steampunk.

So qualifying it thusly, I believe there is potential validity to creating harmonious discord by staying out of a rut. But once off the beaten path, what then? I'm thinking there must be more to it than just new discoveries.

Part of it is learning and application as previously stated. But would that require a certain amount of consistency and stability to which new learning can be applied? and does that sound a little like another rut? How do I keep it fresh?

... ... ... ...

Repetition? I have come back to writing about this theme of harmony / rhythm (multiple times) and I do find myself re-reading various passages in favorite books, and this repetition does seem to add to my understanding.

Added Depth? When I re-think various concepts I force myself to dig deeper by asking more questions. (I've also said before that) by adding depth I am essentially simplifying by ordering (organizing) complexity.

To summarize: as I experience Life it becomes increasingly disordered while I aspire to simplify and organize. So I search for rhythm and harmony to layer the chaos and I utilize the following to keep it fresh and vibrant:

  • New Discoveries (that resonate)
  • Repetition
  • Added Depth
  • Learning and Application (Growth)

I cannot undo what is done. In this lifetime there is no subtraction; there is only addition. I suppose I could play it safe and add small increments, and end with a small contribution. Or I could add ridiculously large increments, ending with a ridiculously large impact. Or I could add purposeful, meaningful increments, that will end in a positive contribution.

There is no subtraction - yet paradoxically, without a certain amount of order, rhythm, and harmony, one could end their Life with a negative contribution.

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